Page 52 of A Hero For Heather

“I don’t think it will be that bad. You’re an adult.”

“I remind them all the time I’m twenty-eight, but they don’t seem to care.”

“Can’t say I know what that feels like, but be glad your parents care so much.”

“I know you’re right. I’m having a pity party. There is this hot guy in uniform in front of me and I can’t do a thing about it.” Her hand went up to her mouth as if she hadn’t meant to say that. He saw the IV’s in her hand and it reminded him where they were and what happened.

“We’ve got time yet,” he said. “We can make it up to each other.”

“I like the sound of that,” she said. “Could I ask you something?”

“Anything,” he said. He’d do whatever she asked or wanted without question.

“Can I get a kiss as some kind of a promise?”

He didn’t make promises in life, but he’d make this because he knew he’d be stupid and regret it if he put her off or out of his life without getting to know her more.

“Absolutely,” he said.

He walked out and looked in the hallway first to make sure no one was around. No reason to get caught or get in trouble for being here other than the assumption it was on official business.

He moved closer to her, bent over, and was careful to not touch more than his lips to hers.

“There,” she said. “That will keep me covered for a bit.”

“You taste like maple syrup,” he said, grinning at her.

Her hand came up and touched her lip where some of the syrup had transferred from her mouth to his. “A sloppy woodland creature,” she said.

“It’s cute,” he said. “And now I know what you might like for breakfast.”

He left after that. He needed to get back to work but felt better and would reach out to her later tonight. If anything, just to make sure she was doing well and didn’t want to strangle her family.

When he passed by the nurse’s station, the older woman that had given him the information asked, “How is your friend doing?” He just looked at her and before he could say anything, she said, “I was at Zane and Lily’s wedding. I’m a friend of Zane’s mom. I heard the nurses talking this morning that Heather worked for Lily, then something about Dr. James and Zane’s best man being on the scene. Things make the rounds fast here.”

Which meant it might not be long before everyone found out that he and Heather were dating. If that is what it was or would be.

“She’s doing well,” he said. “As you know. I just wanted to check in for myself on her.”

The nurse nodded. “No worries. No one will know you were here.”

“Thanks,” he said and left.


Nothing To Worry About

“How are you feeling?” Heather’s mother asked her less than an hour after Luke left. She figured her parents would be here the minute visiting hours opened up.

“Better,” she said. “Got some good pain meds.”

“Which is why you can’t go home alone.”

“I’m not going to be alone,” she argued. “And there is nowhere for you to stay at our house. We don’t have a bed in the spare room. You know that. It’s our office space.”

“We’ll stay at the hotel for a few more days. I want you to come home with us,” her mother said.

“Dad, will you tell Mom that I can stay here? Daisy is with me. I talked to Rose last night and she said that Daisy is free to be off as long as I need her.”