Page 51 of A Hero For Heather

“The uniform,” he said. “They didn’t question anything.”

“Nice,” she said. Her eyes were moving over him and he felt the heat hit his body like it had every time they were together. There had to be something wrong with him that he was being turned on right now while she lay in a hospital bed. “The uniform looks nice on you. That is what I meant to say.”

“Thanks,” he said. “I think. Not sure how you can think that.”

“The mind is a crazy thing,” she said. “I heard you saved me.”

He let out a laugh. “Something like that.”

“Oh please. My mother is singing your praises. That you saved me from a burning car. My father said it wasn’t that bad. Be honest with me. I know you’ll tell me the truth.”

He wanted to brush it off, but she did have a right to know. “You were trapped in. Gas was leaking from your car. The gas tank had taken a hit along with part of your car door. When I was pulling you out, flames started, but the fire truck was on the scene then.”

“And you carried me to safety and shielded me on the ground,” she said. He frowned, not sure if she was guessing that or not. “Dr. James told me about it. Said he was there too. Well, my mother told me that and when he came in to check on me this morning he was talking about the heroic actions the trooper had taken.”

“And you knew it was me?” he asked.

“Yes. My parents told me when they came in. I was surprised. But then Daisy filled me in some more. She asked for your number and said that you were here to check on me. She wanted to let you know she talked to me.”

“I appreciated that she did that.”

“Why are you here now?” she asked. “To just check on me or more? Ready for that date now? You can push me in a wheelchair if you want. I think I’ve got enough makeup to cover my eyes.”

She was giggling and there was part of him that wondered how much pain meds she was on and if she was going to remember saying this to him. “Why don’t we give it a few weeks? I’ll let your eyes heal some and you should be on crutches. Unless your parents take you home.”

Her smile fell. “Not happening. I told them that last night. I remember the conversation clearly and will make sure they understand again when they get here. They are at a hotel. There is no reason for me to go home with them. It’s one leg. I can get around well enough. People are on crutches all the time in their lives.”

“They are,” he said. “Some for life.”

“That’s right,” she said. “I’m sure you know plenty of soldiers that have lost limbs and get around on crutches daily. They don’t need a keeper any more than me. Daisy will get me home and take a few days off. I’m sure I’ll see my bosses in here today. Rose called me last night and said Daisy’s schedule will be flexible to do whatever I need, to not worry. I didn’t expect any differently. Lily and Poppy both texted to say they’d be in to visit today if I’m up to it or they’d wait until I was home. I think Daisy is keeping them posted.”

“That’s nice of them all,” he said. Which told him she was going to get enough care, but the words came out of his mouth, “I’m around too. I mean, on my days off. I don’t work every day. And I’m on nights in another week. My schedule rotates.”

“Some of those things I hope we get to talk about,” she said.

He smiled. “Yeah, when you’re ready.”

“Would it be crazy to say I’ve missed you?”

He had to be nuts to think she wouldn’t wait for him. “No. I think I’ve felt the same way. I should have reached out sooner. Yesterday made me realize what a fool I was to wait.”

“You have been a fool,” she said and giggled again. “Yes, I’m on drugs, but I know what I’m saying. I think it’s just making my tongue loose.”

“No worries,” he said. “It’s like a truth serum.”

“That’s a good description of it,” she said. “Can you stay when my parents get here and save me again? I need them to know I’ll be fine on my own.”

“I don’t think they are going to listen to me.”

“Probably not,” she said. “They wanted to know more about you. I didn’t say anything. Just verified what Daisy had said when you were standing there. We met at the wedding and then saw each other again at the Christmas party.”

“Neither are lies,” he said and wouldn’t be hurt she didn’t say more. He had no reason to feel anything since he was the one that put the walls and distance up for the past several months.

“Nope,” she said. “I guess my next question to you is—how long is it going to be before I see you again?”

“Not long,” he said. “Though it seems as if you are going to have a lot of people around you. I heard something about your brothers coming today.”

She groaned and put her head back. “I forgot about that.” She’d been picking at her pancakes and pushed them away now. “I lost my appetite. But maybe they will help get my mother off my back.”