As the meeting ends, Mr. Cho stands up from the table. "I really liked what I heard here today. I’m eager to continue our conversation over dinner this evening."

"We’re looking forward to it," I assure him as I get up from the table.

After exiting the conference room, Monica looks at me as I tell her, "That went really well. At tonight's dinner, be ready to pay attention to the conversation and take mental notes."

Monica makes an affirmative noise before we head back to the hotel. It's half past four by the time we get back, leaving us with a bit of time before we have to head out for dinner.

Once inside my room, I lean against the door. Nothing should happen between us. It was impulsive to request the conjoined rooms from the hotel, even if it was just to tease her.

Deciding I have time for a quick shower, I head to the bathroom. However, I realize that I forgot to tell Monica what time to meet downstairs. I should text her, but my feet carry me towards her room.

I stand outside her door for a moment, contemplating whether to knock. Eventually, I do, but there's no answer. I knock again, still with no response.

I hesitate. I could simply text her to let her know where to meet me, but I really want to see her.

This is not a good idea.

Without waiting for an answer, I open the unlocked door.

Monica's room is a mirror image of mine. When I don't find her in the sitting area, despite better judgment, I approach her slightly ajar bedroom door. I should call out her name, but I can't stop myself from peeking inside. If I don't spot her, I'll leave immediately.

Then I see her. I see her in a way that I shouldn't.

I’m completely entranced at the sight in front of me. She is splayed across the queen-sized bed, her pencil skirt hitched up around her waist, her fingers massaging the wet flesh of her pussy.

I choke on my breath and swiftly cover my mouth. I should leave. I should have left the second I saw her. But I’m frozen in place. I can’t rip my eyes away from the sight at hand.

There’s a sizable distance between the door and the bed, so I’m not able to get as good a look as I’d like. But I can tell that she’s very wet.

The soft moans coming from her mouth are melodic, and my own mouth parts open as I watch her fingers slip inside of her.

What I wouldn’t do for it to be me bringing her that pleasure.

I can feel myself stiffening in my pants. But instead of leaving as I should, I let my hand reach down to palm over the bulge in my slacks.

I am mesmerized as I watch her fingers move back and forth, from rubbing her swollen clit, to moving in and out of her dripping center. If I couldn’t rid my mind of thoughts of Monica’s naked body before, I surely won’t be able to now.

I stand there transfixed as she reaches her climax, her mouth letting out a squeaky yelp as her thighs tighten around her hand. When she finally stops squirming, she lays in her bed for a moment before sitting up.

Finally, I shake myself out of my trance and quickly and quietly make my way to the door, easing it open and slipping out.

“Fuck,” I breathe out, immobile against the door as I take in what just happened.

But I don’t stand there for long. I need to shower and take care of the bulge in my pants.

Hopefully, we won’t be late for dinner.



I'm not sure what happened between yesterday’s meeting and dinner, but all at once, Jared became different. He is aloof and refuses to participate in our usual banter. Last night after dinner, he simply said goodnight and headed to his room, though I had hoped he might want to stay up and talk a little longer. I can't help but feel that he is avoiding me. And it bothers me some, considering the dirty thoughts of him swirling in my mind.

I had hoped he would return to his usual self once we were headed back to Boston. But he remained stubbornly silent throughout the entire flight. Now that we are back to work, he is in his office behind a closed door. He didn’t bother to give me any instructions or attempt any small talk.

I try to shake it off and focus on my tasks. I organize meetings and respond to emails. But I finish too quickly and find myself at a loss for what to do next, my mind consumed by thoughts of his inexplicable behavior. And the only person who can give me the instructions I need doesn’t seem to be in the mood to talk to me.

For about an hour, I sit at my desk, passing the time on the internet. But after a while, it becomes boring, and I decide I need to see Jared.