Why would he get adjoining rooms? To tease me about what happened last time? He must not be worried at all about anything happening if he so brazenly got us connected rooms, the same set up we had on our family trip.

But if he’s not worried, then I’m not. Two can play at this game.

So, with the most confident smile I can conjure up, I tell him, “Yes, I got the adjoining rooms.”



Monica looks surprised as we board my private jet. But she must know that as a CEO of a billion-dollar company, I can afford such things.

While I don’t particularly enjoy being so flashy, I like to indulge myself when it comes to certain things, like flying private when I can.

We don’t talk to each other much on the short flight to New York. Monica seems to find enjoyment in catching some shut eye before we land. While I know I could choose to annoy her and have her do some last-minute things for me while we sit on this flight, I decide against it.

This day will be long, and we probably should get some rest before it begins.

When the plane lands, there’s already a car waiting to take us to the hotel. It’s one I typically enjoy staying in whenever I’m in the city, and I know that if Monica was shocked by the plane, she’ll be just as surprised by the hotel.

Monica makes herself busy with getting us checked in and collecting our room keys. I had to get the adjoining rooms. I knew she’d be a little taken aback and it was hilarious seeing the look on her face at lunch the other day when she realized what was going on.

But I don’t plan to make any moves, even if I’ll have to go to sleep knowing that Monica will be right next door, so close that I could slip into her room at night for a round two.

That would be wrong, not just because she’s Monica, but because she’s now my assistant, and I shouldn’t cross that line.

When Monica has our keys collected, I lead the way up to our rooms. When we get there, I have her walk through my room door so I can watch her take in how grand the space is.

“You know, with a room like this, instead of giving me a job, you could have just given me money," she quips as she circles around the hotel room.

I prefer spacious rooms and always get a suite with a comfortable seating area and a separate bedroom. It might be unnecessary, but it's what I enjoy.

"Your room is through here," I tell her with a smirk, leading her to the door that connects our rooms.

I intended to tease her with the adjoining rooms, although I knew better. This time, our conjoined rooms have only a small corridor that leads to the door of the other room.

I shouldn't have even allowed the idea to enter my mind that something might happen between us on this trip. But the no-man's-land that is the corridor appears to be making things worse, considering the lessening of space between our rooms.

As she walks the small distance to her room, she hikes her overnight bag over her shoulder.

"Meet me downstairs in thirty,” I say. “Bring something to write with."

She nods dutifully, closing the door behind her.

There's not much I need to do to get ready, since I am in my business suit already, so I pull out my laptop and catch up on a few emails until it’s time to head downstairs.

Our meeting is with a movie streaming platform that is looking for a new software development company to expand their site. It would be a big contract to land. If everything goes well, this meeting will last several hours.

We're among the first to arrive in the conference room at the offices of the streaming platform. We sit down, and I glance over at Monica, who is taking out her laptop and readying herself to take notes.

"Try to catch everything the CEO and his entourage say. It will help us cater to them better," I explain. As I look up, Mr. Cho, the CEO, enters the room followed by a handful of other executives.

Standing up from the table, I walk around to shake everyone's hand.

Once we're all seated, I pass around informational packets about my company and our services, then launch into my presentation.

The meeting is going well, based on the questions Mr. Cho and the other executives ask. Most importantly, I am able to focus despite Monica’s proximity.

She is taking down everything that’s said. I can’t help notice her presence, especially when her leg grazes mine. How does she manage to keep her composure? Doesn’t she feel the electric shock when we touch?