“Well, get on with it. I don’t have all day,” I tell him, knowing I do have all day as I’m currently unemployed.
“I have a problem. You have a problem. And I think I have a solution,” he says, earning an annoyed huff from me at the fact that he doesn’t just get on with it.
“I’m sure that isn’t true, but I’ll entertain you,” I tell him, finally turning my body away from my computer to face him.
I’m startled when I notice how close he is to me. I didn’t realize that he’d be facing me so head on, too. It makes the hair on my arms stand, and I worry that my face is developing a flush. Though, I’m sure if it were, he would have already started poking fun at me about it.
“While we were on vacation, my personal assistant had to quit for a family emergency,” he explains, and just hearing him mention the trip puts images into my head that shouldn’t be in there.
Like how he looks under me.
Pushing the thought from my mind, I stare at him so he will get to the point.
“And I know you recently lost your job,” he continues, and I’m immediately clued into what he’s about to say.
“No,” I tell him resolutely, turning away from him and back to my computer.
I don’t know why I even gave him the time of day.
“You don’t even know what I was about to say,” he says incredulously, and I can feel his eyes boring into the side of my head.
“Were you going to offer me the job as your new personal assistant?” I question, letting my head turn sharply to him.
He looks at me with a blank stare before saying, “Yes, actually.”
“Well then, no,” I say finally, closing my laptop, knowing I won’t be able to focus on my job search with Jared here.
“Come on. Last time I checked, you needed this job. What do you have to lose?” he asks, seeming genuinely confused why I wouldn’t want the job.
“I don’t know. My dignity. My self-respect,” I list off, not understanding why he would want me around as his personal assistant other than to make my life miserable.
Especially considering what transpired between us. I think working with Jared and being in such close proximity would be a bad idea.
“Come on, Mon. It won’t be that bad. You shouldn’t let your disdain for me stop you from getting a job,” he tells me, his voice almost sounding sincere.
I’m struck by his last comment. Is he… right? I do need a job, and soon. One has fallen right into my lap, and here I am, turning it down. But still, even if I got over the fact that I abhor Jared, I need my space from him. He’s only been sitting next to me for ten minutes, and I’ve already thought about him naked several times despite knowing it’s wrong.
But he’s right. I do need the job. Who knows when I’ll get another chance like this? I’m strong, I’m sure I can endure working for Jared in a professional, adult-like manner.
Letting my head drop, I mumble, “Fine.”
A large smile breaks out over Jared’s face at my words. “What was that?”
“I said fine, I’ll work as your personal assistant,” I say, grabbing my laptop and climbing off the stool.
“Great choice, honey,” I hear my mom call out, and I scoff at the fact she was eavesdropping.
Heading out to the back porch, I’m not surprised when Jared trails behind me.
“I’m glad to hear that,” he says with a smirk as he shuts the sliding door behind us.
With a sigh, I whip around to look at him with narrowed eyes. “What’s your angle?”
“My angle?” Jared repeats, seeming confused.
“Yeah, your angle. If you don’t remember,” I look around and lower my voice before I say the next part, “we hooked up and are supposed to be staying away from each other.”
I can tell when my words register by the expression on his face. He seems unsurprised at my concern.