“I know. But I really need this. I’m sure we can still pretend like it didn’t happen,” he says to me confidently, but there’s something else in his voice.

It almost sounds like he doesn’t fully believe his own words.

He doesn’t say anything further as he stares at me, his eyes locked onto my face. It makes me squirm as I stand in front of him, but I remind myself I can’t appear weak.

Finally, a small grin grows on his face. “What is it you’re worried about though? If you’ve forgotten about it, this shouldn’t be a problem.”

My eyes widen quickly before my face morphs into a scowl. “I have forgotten, it’s just… just…” I trail off, not knowing what to say.

It’s just what? I can’t tell him the truth—that I still think about that evening—but I can’t seem to come up with a cover either.

“It’s just that you can’t stop thinking about me,” he says, his voice dropping an octave as he looks at me.

I’m acutely aware of how much closer Jared has gotten to me over the course of this conversation. On one hand, I worry that my mom or dad is going to come out and see us, resulting in them figuring out that something happened between Jared and me.

But on the other hand, something that I won’t even fully admit to myself, is that I don’t completely hate the feel of him so close to me. In fact, maybe if I move just a little closer…

“So, I’m right.” Jared chuckles, snapping me out of my thoughts.

“You wish. It’s just that after our hookup, I almost feel sick being around you. But since you’re in dire need of my help, I guess I can set those feelings aside. Since I’m such a nice person,” I explain, hoping he can’t see through my façade of confidence.

It’s not a complete lie. After our hookup, I do feel a sort of turning in my stomach when I’m around him. Though, I don’t know if I’d completely characterize it as a sick feeling.

It’s not pleasant, but it’s not completely unpleasant either. The feeling is completely unfamiliar to me.

“Aren’t you such a giver,” Jared whispers, keeping his gaze completely focused on me.

It forces my breath to stall, and I can’t figure out how Jared always manages to get the upper hand in these situations. I know that if I’m going to work with Jared, I can’t keep on falling victim to his intense stares and confident demeanor.

Making sure I’m standing up straight, I face him head on, not letting my eyes break from him. Despite feeling as though my body temperature is rising and a part of me telling myself to just walk away, I know I can’t cower in front of him.

However, the longer this staring contest goes on, the more I feel like this is a bad idea. This staring isn’t completely fueled by hate, something I don’t want to admit.

But something in his eyes tells me maybe it’s the same for him. The recent flirtatious nature of some of Jared’s words hasn’t gone over my head. While they may just be to tease me, something about them almost feels real.

I watch Jared’s tongue dart out to lick his lips, and I feel mine do the same. It’s weird, I know, but there’s this carnal desire in me to just reach out and—

Then the sliding door opens.



The sound of Lyla and Caden running out to the back porch snaps me out of my reverie. I need to cool it with Monica. I can’t tell what I’m doing just to bother her and what I’m doing because I want to. The lines are becoming too blurred. Either way, gazing into Monica’s eyes like that isn’t good for me, no matter the reason.

I watch as the kids make a beeline for the backyard and the playset that Beth and Philip had built just for them.

The sight of Tyler stepping onto the porch on the heels of his kids is even more sobering, and I make sure to put some distance between Monica and me.

“Hey guys. What are you doing out here?” Tyler asks, obviously confused at what would have the two of us alone on his parents’ back porch.

“I just came to offer Monica a job,” I quickly explain, hoping that Tyler doesn’t think that anything is amiss.

Then again, why would he? Monica and I weren’t doing anything. We were having a normal exchange. Was there a little bit of sexual tension involved? Maybe. Or maybe it was only in my head.

But I undoubtedly saw the way Monica licked her lips while looking at me, a gesture that I’m sure she also saw on my face.

I don’t know what it is about Monica that has been making me crave intimacy, but I don’t like it. We’re continuing to cross a line we both told ourselves we wouldn’t again.