Page 55 of Sweet Vengeance

Malachi’s eyesblazed, and he burned even more magic he couldn’t afford to just so he could scent her over the crowd, hear her heartbeat.

He stiffened when he smelled the scent of anxiety as she watched the bartender make her drink. She held it in one hand when he was done, and Malachi could practically taste her panic.

He made to move forward, just as Joy glanced at the woman beside her. Her breaths slowed, as did her heartbeat, and she took a sip of her drink.

Malachi retreated. He should leave. Seeing her again was more painful than he’d realised. He hadn’t thought they’d bump into each other again, but how hadn’t he? They lived in the same fucking city.

He would have to move, probably. He didn’t think he’d survive seeing her again.

“Don’t look now, but that guy has been staring at you since we entered!” the friend suddenly said.

Malachi puffed up with rage, possessiveness, and jealousy when he scented a hint of Joy’s interest.

“Is he behind me?” Joy asked, sounding sly.

“Yup! He’s by the wall, in the corner.”

Malachi didn’t know the friend was talking about him until Joy was already turning, her eyes landing right on his.

For a moment, time stood still.

Joy’s eyes widened. She abruptly looked away, her heartbeat skittering underneath her ribcage.

Malachi didn’t want to know what came next. Like a coward, he retreated into the aether, too afraid to watch as she put up her walls once more.

Thecastlewas too big. Malachi paced in one of the smaller downstairs parlours. Once he secured himself a long contract, he was going to downsize it. Perhaps he really should consider moving.

Fuck.Joy. Fuck, fuck.

He wanted to see her again. Fuck, fuck, he missed her. His thoughts raced, desperately retracing over his steps on their last night together.

Had he fucked everything up by sending her off, taking the cowardly way out instead of saying goodbye to her face? Then again, he could take a hint.She’d wanted space, and he’d given it to her. Saying goodbye would have just dragged out the inevitable.

Hedid wishhe’dtold her he’d wait for her after all, delicate human sensibilities be damned.

A few hours later, and it seemedthe universehadheardhis wish;Malachi felt a tug underneath his breastbone; he heard the whisper of his name.

He stilled. The noise from the cartoonhe’d been unsuccessfully trying to distract himself with—they all made him think of Joy, whether or not he’d watched them with her—faded to the background.

He felt the tug again, and the whisper was louder this time, in a voice he recognised.

Heart in his throat, butterflies in his stomach, Malachi let himself be pulled.


Joy knelt in the middle of a circular rune drawn with white chalk, wearing nothing but a bathrobe. The space was new—it was a proper bedroom, with two windows and two doors, oneleading presumablyto the bathroom and the other to the rest of her house? Flat?

The moment he appeared, Joy stood.

Malachi felt like he couldn’t breathe. She smelled like nerves. Like sweetness and arousal and determination and everything Malachi had ever wanted.

“I’m here to make a deal,” she said, tilting her chin up, bravely meeting his eyesdespite the hint of insecurity he could smell in her scent.

Malachi couldn’t help it. His lips quirked.Joy’sheartbeat skipped, her own lips twitching, her scent blooming with happiness. Fuck, Malachi had fucking missed her.

“That much is obvious,” herecited, like they’d chosen to do this on purpose. “You reek of bloodthirst,” he continued, and to his surprise, she did, though her other emotions had slightly overshadowed it. Malachi smiled wider. Sweet, murderous Joy. He hoped she never fucking changed. “You have summoned me to kill someone for you.”

Joy was practically vibrating where she stood, her hands clutching at the tie that kept her robe tightly shut. Her nipples were stiff, poking through the thin material of her robe. Malachi’s dick began to stiffen.