Page 56 of Sweet Vengeance

“No,” Joy said, slightly breathlessly. “Iwant to kill someone. I wantyouto make it look like an accident.”

Malachi’s tongue felt too heavy for his mouth when he said, “You haven’t brought a sacrifice.”

He watched, in what almost felt like slow motion, as Joy’s robe dropped.

“I offer you my body.” Fuck, fuck, fuck. Fucking Almighty.

“And what am I supposed to do with your body?”

“Anything you want.”

“I accept,” Malachi said roughly, desperately. “Say the vow.”

Her voice was breathless as she recited, “Igris, entis, untis, represe.”

Malachi didn’t wait for the bond to settle over him before he was stalking across the circle, cupping the full globes of her ass in his palms and lifting her off the floor.

He swallowed her moan into his mouth, kissing her like he was a drowning man finallycomingup for air. She kissed him just as hard, just as desperately, fisting his hair before trailing her hands all over his face and jaw, like she was trying to imprint the shape of him back onto her fingers.

Eventually, they had to pull apart to breathe.

“Joy,” Malachi said, elated, disbelieving. “Joy.”

“I’ve missed you,” Joy said shyly, her scent so bright Malachi almost felt drunk with it.

He had to kiss her again. She bit his lip, then sucked on his tongue when he slid it into her mouth. Malachi’s body shook. Need burned in his gut, making his dick leak. He shoved his hands underneath her robe, groaning when they encountered bare flesh. He walked forward until they landed on the bed with him on top of her, then pressed his hand between her legs.

“Fucking Almighty,” he rasped, his hips jolting into the mattress. She was so fuckingwet.

“I’m ready,” Joy gasped, arching into his touch. “I got myself ready—before I summoned you—”

“Almighty,” Malachi groaned, his hips jolting again. Like he wanted to make sure, he used his magic to get rid of his claws and slid two fingers inside her, his mouth falling slack when they entered her effortlessly.

“Malachi,” she cried, arching as he began to roughly fuck her with them, his thumb rubbing firm circles onto her clit.

She clawed at his arms, her thighs beginning to shake. “Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,” she whimpered.

She made a completely animal noise when she came, seizing up around his fingers, gushing all over his hand and the bed.

Malachi leaned up quickly, taking her lips in a brief kiss, grasping his leaking dick and aiming it at her greedy little cunt.

“Yes, yes, yes.”She sobbed, spreading her thighs wider for him, lifting her hips.

He went slow, but still sank in easily, easier than he’d had the previous times. She must’ve used a toy; she must’ve been at it forsome time—stretching herself for his dick, dripping onto the summoning circle as she’d called him.

Malachi helplessly slammed the rest of his length into her. Joy’s eyes rolled back, her cunt clamping around him.

Malachi grunted and had to stop, literally fucking whining as she came around him, her pussy like a vice.

She melted into the bed when it was over, her body shaking.

“Holy shit,” she panted, still trembling. “Ineverused to care about size, you know? You’ve completely ruined me.”

“Good,” Malachi said darkly.

“Don’t stop,” she whispered. “Fuck me, Malachi. Show me whoyourdick belongs to.”

“Fuck,” he cursed, and began to do as he was told, his hips slapping into hers.