Page 66 of Problems

"Jack's right. You are a perv."

Cian smiled. It was the kind of smile you'd see on a hyena, unnatural and terrifying. "Thank you. Now next time, we need to go over the use of condoms."

My back stiffened. I’d preached to Jack over and over again about the safety of sex and now Cian wanted to go condomless.


"Our boy needs to be stuffed with our cum till he can’t hold it anymore." Cian's blue eyes focused on Jack. "You want that slut, don't you?"

Jack whimpered and the air in the bathroom heated. Cian's idea was sounding less crazy and more plausible.

"Yes, I want my daddies to breed me."

I don't know what good I did in my life to deserve this, but crap was I happy. I glanced up at Cian and I could tell he felt the same. "We will talk about it later."

For now, I needed to wash my boy and take proper care of him.



“Daddy Ronan,were you training to be a reaper?"

I froze at Jack's question. Sweat collected at the base of my spine slipping into my trousers as I attempted to get my heart rate under control. My blood rushed making it nearly impossible to hear anything besides my pulse.


Jack put down his sketch pad and turned off the cartoon playing in the background. He turned to face me. His big brown eyes bore into me waiting for my answer. "You know, before you became my bodyguard were you going to be a reaper?"

Finnian and Cian knew but out of the two, my money was on Cian telling my sweet baby boy that I'd nearly become a hired killer for the mob.

"That was a long time ago."

"Holy sh—sugar muffins."

My left eye twitched. It was hard not to laugh when Jack was trying hard not to curse. The boy came up with some of the weirdest phrases I'd heard. But more importantly, I needed to know if he was afraid of me now.

"Can I ask you more questions?"

I audibly swallowed. I wasn't ashamed of my past and I wasn't one to shy away from it either. I knew the day I met my maker I'd pay for the souls I'd taken part in robbing from this world. It was a fate I openly welcomed. My mam always said there was never any good without bad. The world couldn't function on peace because it didn't exist outside of war.

I opened my arms and Jack scrambled over to my lap. This was going to be the only way I'd be able to answer him. "Ask your questions and I will answer all of them as truthfully as possible."

Jack leaned back and it made it slightly easier that he wasn't facing me as he asked his questions. "Okay, have you killed anyone?"


"Was it for the family?"

"Yes and no."

Jack went stiff but he didn't turn around. He stared down at his fingers fiddling with them. "Was it personal?"


"Is it okay if I ask how many?"

"Fourteen." I knew the exact dates, places, and how I'd killed them. Each face was etched into my memory and no matter what, there would be nothing that would erase them.