"Not if the man is Adam Hunt," she crossed her arms.
"I'm just…busy, that's all," I said dismissively.
She didn't ask any more questions and just left.
She was right though. I had changed. Just the mere thought of even sleeping around with anyone else besides Crystal seemed to annoy me.
I was definitely changing and to be honest, I loved the change.
When I had made love with Crystal that night, it wasn't like anything else I had experienced.
Even when she talked to me about my lifestyle, be it womanizing or my loneliness, I didn't mind it at all. In fact, I was happy that someone finally called me out for it.
Was that another reason for womanizing?
Seeking someone who would finally tell me to stop?
Was that all I wanted?
I couldn't answer my own question, maybe because I already knew the answer.
"I need a drink," I sighed and grabbed some of the files and made my way to the cafeteria.
That's when I bumped into her, and she tried to ignore me again.
"Hold it right there, Dr. Richards,” I said and she stopped in her tracks, “Finish up with whatever it is you’re doing with Harold and meet me in my office in the next thirty minutes."
"But I…" she tried to protest.
"Thirty minutes, Dr, Richards. Your time starts now," I said as I looked at my wristwatch and made my way to the canteen.
"Oh, hello again, sir,” Harold greeted.
"Good day, Harold. Lunch, I presume?" I asked.
I know it was cringe, but I didn't really do too well conversing with men or romantic rivals.
That's if Harold was one.
"Yeah, lunch. Crystal insisted on paying so I'm trying to find the cheapest thing I can get," he explained.
She was buying him lunch?!
"How about I cover both your meals?" I asked.
"Sorry, sir, but I've known Crystal for years. It's better to let her handle this." He replied with a sigh, "She's my little sweetie."
"You two are dating?" I already knew the answer but I wanted to rub it in.
"No, not yet. But it's only a matter of time," he replied.
I wanted to burst into laughter at his ignorance, but I shrugged it off.
The urge for a drink disappeared, and I left satisfied with what I had heard.
Thirty minutes passed and she showed up as I had demanded.
"Yes, sir?" She asked as she closed the door behind her.