"Crystal, talk to me. What's the problem?" I asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she looked away, "Is there a problem?"

"Why are you ignoring me?" I asked as I got up from my chair and walked over to her.

"I don't think I ignored you. It must have been in your head," she said.

I slammed my hand on the door and she shuddered. I let out a sigh, "When I woke up, you weren't next to me. I was very worried. Why didn't you say anything?"

"Did I have to say anything? I was just doing what you would have expected me to do," she replied.

"And what might that be?" I crossed my arms.

"To act like nothing happened. I slipped up again and we've finally had sex. You were going to move on to another girl anyway," she explained as she looked at her feet.

Oh, I get it now.

She thought because of my lifestyle, I was done with her.

But that was extremely far from the truth.

I held her shoulders, "I understand where you're coming from, but believe me. I've put that life behind me."

"Let me guess, from the first time we kissed?" She rolled her eyes.

"No, actually, the womanizing didn't stop there and then," I admitted.

She looked at me in confusion.

"I thought…" she tried to say but changed her mind, "Then when did it change?"

"Remember when you told me that you were different from the other women my charms work on?"

She nodded in response.

"It was then and coupled with the time you told me directly that I was just a lonely man," I continued, "I felt ashamed. I really did. It was like I was just using my loneliness as an excuse to sleep around. But with you? It's been very confusing. I haven't ever needed to be patient with any woman, but with you? I just kept having the thought that it was going to be worth the wait. I mean, come on. I haven't been to my house in a month or so but just having you sleep on my bed was enough to make the house seem full. When I'm with other women I can control my emotions, but when it comes to you, my heart beats like I just ran a marathon without stopping. I even get jealous of the people who make you smile easily and wish I was able to do that. There's no way I would want to act like nothing happened between us. Not when you've already shown me something I never knew I needed."

"How do I know you're not just saying that?" She asked softly.

I cradled her face then guided her ear to my chest, "Listen. It's beating so loud I feel like I've developed…"

"Heart palpitations. Consciousness of your own heartbeat," she completed the medical term.

"Exactly," I said as I pulled her away, "I don't know what these new feelings are, but I do know one thing. I can't live properly without you or your body."

"Prove it," she said as she stepped backwards and locked the door.

"With pleasure," I said before kissing her.

This kiss was like the one we had shared when we first had sex.

Intense…pleasurable and gentle all at the same time.

I touched her vulva area from the safety of her scrubs before putting my hands in.

She whimpered as I touched her entrance directly and stimulated her just the way she liked it.

"Undress," I commanded.