There was a knock on my door.

I thought it was him so I raced to the door to open it. I said, “Desperate to see me again, aren't you, doctor?"

"I guess I am," Harold replied as he laughed, "How did you know it was me?"

Harold was back?

I thought he wouldn’t be back for another week?

"Hello? Earth to Crystal?" He rummaged through a brown bag he carried and showed me a cute kitten doll, "Cat got your tongue?"

"You're back," I said with a smile.

"Yeah. But I was surprised you could tell," he said, "Did someone slip up and tell you I was coming today?"

"You planned it as a surprise, but I'm afraid it didn't work," I said as I accepted the doll, "Welcome back, Harold."

"It's good to be back, Crystal," he said as he embraced me, "God, I've missed your hugs."

"Well, you'll definitely have more of them," I said, "I kept your office shiny for you."

"Ouroffice," he corrected, "Working with you is going to be awesome. I remember you saying you couldn't wait to work together with me."

"I didn't say that," I defended as I took my seat.

"You definitely did," he teased as he pulled my cheek playfully, but I hit his hand.

We were both surprised by my reaction.

"My bad. Did it hurt?" He asked as he chuckled nervously.

"No, I… sorry, I just had something on my mind," I replied as I turned my attention to the patient's medical report I was writing, "Sorry I hit you."

"It's fine. When you're ready you can give me all the scandals I've missed," he said, "Like did the boss get a new mistress?"

My hand stopped moving, "I don't know."

"Oh, okay then. Let me say hi to the other team members," he said as he got up to leave.


As he left, I let out a sigh.

Something was definitely wrong with me. When I had realized that it wasn't Adam, I was very disappointed and upset.

I had taken that anger out on Harold who hadn’t even done anything and made things awkward between us.

Furthermore, I was reminded that Adam was a playboy. Just like Harold had pointed out, I was nothing more than a new mistress that he had gotten the opportunity to bed.

I felt humiliated and ashamed. I mean, I knew I was the one who had asked for it and he had tried to stop me, but I had insisted. The whole thing still felt like I had lost.

I got tired of sitting and went outside. I needed to apologize to Harold.

I found him talking to some of the staff who were grilling him on how good his break must have been.

When he was finally alone, I apologized to him.

"You really don't have to apologize. I know you had something on your mind," he said as he placed his hand on my shoulder, "you'll always come around."