Page 83 of Kansas

Shaking his head, Montana got to his feet. “See that you do, because if that fucker kills anyone else, I will have Malice put him down.”

With that, Montana left.

The next day, I was sitting at the bar in the main room when a loud whistle alerted me that we had company. I’d been spending most of my time at the clubhouse thanks to my family inundating my house. Kali and the kids loved the attention. Me? Not so much. I couldn’t breathe with all the Soulless Sinner’s making themselves comfortable in my home. To make matters worse, Montana lorded over everyone as if he owned the damn place. He was suffocating me.

Getting to my feet, I chuckled as Kali and Vivi ran out of the back excitedly.

“She’s here!” my woman smiled, jumping in place. I loved seeing her like this. Carefree with no worries. If I had my way, she would live the rest of her life free of the burdens of the real world. My woman deserved happiness, and I was going to see that she got it.


“Hope,” Kali walked over to me, hugging me. “I told you the other day I ordered more candles and lotions. She was sweet and offered to bring them by the clubhouse.”

Kissing her upturned nose, I smiled. “Then let’s go get your candles.”

“Uh, Prez,” Pence growled from the doorway, getting my attention. “You are going to want to see this.”

Walking outside with Pence, I cursed when I saw Shadow gripping the steering wheel of the truck he was driving hard.

“You’ve got to be kidding me? What are the fucking odds?”

“Did you know he was in the area?” Pence asked.

“Found out yesterday.”

A loud crack had us both turning when I saw the steering wheel in his hands.

Opening the driver’s side door, I tried repeatedly to get Shadow’s attention, but nothing I said broke through the nightmare he was currently in. “Shadow, I need you to take a deep breath,” I ordered, as Shadow started hyperventilating.

“Shit, Monk, get over here!”

“What’s wrong with my brother!?” Hope cried, as my woman came outside to hold her.

“Kali, get Hope inside,” I demanded, my attention on the loose cannon before me. Shadow wasn’t like the rest of us. My brother said it clearly. Shadow was a killer. Plain and simple. I knew the man could snap my neck before I could blink if he felt threatened. “Breathe Shadow. That’s it, man. Take another deep breath for me.”

Slowly, he blinked a few times, before his eyes landed on the steering when in his hands.

“It’s alright, Shadow. I’ll get Judd to install a new one before you leave.”

Turning to me, I could see the confusion in his eyes as they focused. “Kansas?”

Leaning against the open driver’s side door, I sighed. “Jesus fuck, Shadow. Way to make an entrance.”

I said nothing as Shadow slid out of the cab of the truck and looked around. “Where’s Hope?”

Lighting a cigarette, I replied, “Inside. You better now?”


“Come inside. We need to talk.”

He stood rooted in place, shaking his head. “I didn’t know the delivery was here. If I had known, I wouldn’t have come.”

I quirked my head at him before blowing smoke into the air.

“We need to talk.”

“Got nothing to say, Kansas. I’m not welcome here. I know that.”