Page 84 of Kansas

“You are in Diamondback Country and I’m the President. Inside now,” I growled, pushing off the truck before heading inside the clubhouse. I didn’t give a fuck what he wanted or liked. Got that he had issues that were being taken care of, but the fucker showed up at my damn clubhouse. He could follow the fucking rules or spend the night in the basement. Made no difference to me.

Minutes later, led by Monk, Whisper and Widow, Shadow sat at the table, saying nothing. Something was going on with him. As the rest of the brothers piled in, I wasted no time.

“This is how this is going to go. While you are in the area, you will at least give me the courtesy of a phone call and let me know where you will 24/7 I am not taking a chance of a repeat from the last time you were here. If needed, I will have a Diamondback brother follow your ass around until you’ve completed your business. Under no circumstances are you to step foot in any bar in Lawton. You want to drink? Go back to Wichita Falls. Shadow!” I shouted, making him jump.

He shifted in his seat as he nervously looked around to find all the officers in my office with me. Each one with varying degrees of anger written on their faces. Each willing and ready to tear him apart with their bare hands. There was no love lost between the Diamondbacks and Shadow. We all knew he wasn’t in his right mind when he killed Jinx, but that didn’t excuse that fact he killed our brother.

“Did you even hear a fucking word I said?”

He ignored my question altogether and asked. “Your ol’ lady. Has she ever been to California?”

What the fuck!

Growling, I pushed off my desk to stand directly in front of him as my brothers all stepped forward.

“I meant no disrespect. I’m only asking because she’s familiar. I’ve met her before. I just can’t place where.”

“You stay the fuck away from her or I will do what I should have done months ago. Do you understand me?”

He nodded.

That wasn’t good enough.

I shouted angrily, “Say the fucking words!”

“I understand.”



I wanted him out of my club.

I damn near killed him myself when Kali’s name left his lips. I didn’t know what the fuck kind of game he was playing, but it stopped right now. I was going to call Ghost and inform him directly that Lawton, Oklahoma, was off limits to his brother, Shadow Persona non grata. The fucker needed to avoid my town like the god damned plague. I had enough shit on my plate already. I didn’t need to worry about another killer on the loose.

Fuck that shit.

Reaching for the front door to the clubhouse, I heard Shadow mutter, “He said he was helping her.”


“The night I killed your brother. I remember. He said she was his client. That he was trying to help her. He said to tell Jinx I love her. Fuck, Kansas. He has a woman out there somewhere?”

“What the fuck is he talking about, Prez?” Monk glared angrily.

“The brother you killed was Jinx, asshole!” Pence seethed. “He didn’t have a woman.”

Shadow shook his head. “I know his name. I saw it on his cut, but what I’m saying is what he spoke right before I snapped his neck.”

“Keep talking smack, motherfucker, and I’ll snap your neck,” Whisper stepped forward.

“Hold up,” I growled before looking around. There were too many witnesses. This was something I didn’t want discussed out in the open. “Everyone in church, right now.”

Shoving him back the way we came, I followed along with my officers into our inner sanctum.

Monk slapped a meaty hand on his shoulder, pushing him into a chair as he leaned forward, grabbing his head as if he was fighting a monster headache. He probably was, but I didn’t give a fuck. I just wanted him to clarify what he said so I could get him out of here.

“Okay. Now explain,” I demanded, as I stood at the head of the table. Pence right beside me.