Page 56 of Kansas

Cassidy Main was nothing what I expected. When Mrs. Worthington told me she was the niece of one of her friends, I kind of expected a simple country girl, not the tattooed bombshell who stood before me. The young woman had long jet-black hair that was shaved on one side, where I could clearly see a tattoo. She had a nose ring, a pierced lip and gauges in her ears. She also sported a wicked looking tattoo sleeve that started at her wrist and went all the way up to her neck. She had dark chocolate eyes, a cute, pert nose and full red lips.

She was beautiful.

But more than that, she knew what she was doing.

By the time I made it back downstairs after changing my clothes for something more comfortable, I found Mrs. Worthington and Cassidy talking adamantly while Cassidy was cooking something over the stove. Whatever she was making smelled delicious and had my stomach grumbling instantly. Talia was in awe of the young woman, watching her, wide eyed and smiling.

“Momma! Come meet my new friend,” my daughter yelled, as I walked into the kitchen.

The young woman in question quickly wiped her hands on a dish towel before marching over to me, shaking my hand.

Yes, she marched.

Not walked. Marched.

“Mrs. Stone. It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am. I hope you don’t mind, but I took the liberty of whipping up something for dinner. It’s nothing special, mind you, but filling.”

Laughing, I replied, “Okay, first it’s Kali, not ma’am and second, if you accept this job, the kitchen will be your domain. Trust me, you don’t want me cooking anything, but I can make a mean grilled cheese sandwich.”

The young woman smiled.

“Now, did Mrs. Worthington tell you everything?”

“Yes, ma’… Kali. You need a full-time cook and housekeeper and the position is live in.”

“That’s right. There is a bedroom right off the butler’s pantry for you to use. You can redecorate it how you want if you agree to accept the job.”

“Thought it was already mine?” Cassidy asked, before adding, “I’m already packed. My stuff is in my truck. Say the word and I’ll bring it all in and get settled.”

Well, okay then.

Mrs. Worthington nodded.

“Guess the job is yours, Cassidy.”

“Thank you, Kali.” Cassidy said, before heading towards the front door. Looking at Mrs. Worthington, I said, “She seems sweet.”

“Oh, she is, but that girl is a demon when it comes to cleaning. Hope you are ready for Sherman’s March on Atlanta because when that girl gets going, she doesn’t quit.”

In the days that followed, Mrs. Worthington was correct. Cassidy took charge of the household, and it was now running smoothly. The house sparkled from floor to ceiling.

The food was to die for and an added plus… Trigger hated her.

“She’s mean, Kali!” Trigger whined, following me as I gathered my bags for a meeting with select members of the city, the Mayor and Chief Longfeather, to discuss the homeless situation. As much as I loved Trigger, I didn’t have time for him today. I had too much on my plate. Which reminded me, I was meeting Vivi at the Farmer’s Market after the meetings. Looking at my watch, I wondered where I was going to find the time to do everything.

“Cassidy is not mean. She is just tired of cleaning up after you.”

“Well, she wouldn’t have to if she’d just leave my shit alone.”

Looking at the man, I narrowed my eyes. “Trigger, I have a permanent ass indent on my new couch. There are water rings on the coffee table, and I found your dirty underwear and socks in the hall bathroom. You are a slob.”

“Am not. This place needs a lived-in feel. It’s all too brand new. I’m helping to settle this place,” he stated, frankly.

“You don’t live here!”

“Well, I would if you’d let me have one of the rooms. Come on, Kali. I know you don’t mind me being here. The clubhouse is too damn crowded. I have no privacy. Besides, I love kids and Hellraiser needs me. I’m teaching her how to shoot.”

That stopped me short.