Page 57 of Kansas

Standing at my full height, which wasn’t much compared to the annoying wall I was currently talking to, I glared. “Shoot what?”

“It’s nothing. We were watchingGooniesthe other day and she wanted a slingshot like Data had. So, I got her one.”

Taking a deep, calming breath, I carefully asked, “Tell me you didn’t buy my three-year-old daughter a weapon?”

“She’ll be four next month, and a slingshot is not a weapon. It’s a toy.”

“A toy that can seriously hurt someone. Have you met my daughter?”

“What’s going on?” Kansas asked, walking down the stairs with Tanner in his arms, the twins scooting down the stairs on their butts, slowly. “Trigger, I thought you were opening the garage today?”

“Judd said he’d cover for me.”

Mrs. Worthington chose at that moment to walk out of the kitchen with Talia, who ran to Trigger. “Tig! We gonna shoot today?”

Picking my daughter up, the loveable but annoying man hugged and kissed my daughter affectionately. Had to admit that even though he drove me nuts and was systematically destroying my new furniture, he adored my daughter and Talia loved him to pieces.

“Mr. Stone,” Mrs. Worthington said, reaching for Tanner. “Alright children, time for school.”

“No!” Talia shouted as she hugged Trigger’s neck harder. “I’m shooting with Tig today.”

Kansas growled. “What’s Hellraiser talking about?”

“Nothing, Prez,” Trigger gulped, backing up a step. Before things got out of hand, I took my daughter from him, I stated firmly “You young lady are going to school. Play after.”

“But momma?”

“No. School first. I mean it Talia.”

Handing my daughter over to Mrs. Worthington, I turned to find Kansas pushing Trigger out the front door before slamming the door shut. Smiling, he walked over to me and kissed me senselessly.

This I would never tire of.

“Mmm. Have a busy day, woman. If I didn’t, I’d have you in bed and under me.”

“Sounds delicious.” I smiled up at him, hugging him close. “Maybe we can revisit that idea tonight?”

“It’s a date,” he said, kissing me again quickly before leaving. Grabbing my bags, I followed him out the door.

“It’s going to be okay, Kali,” Vivi said, as she parked her truck in front of Lawton’s Farmer’s Market. I wanted to believe her, but the nerve of the mayor. It wasn’t as if I was asking for the damn key to the city! Everything was going well until the mayor lowered the boom. If I wanted to go ahead with my proposal, I would need to coordinate with CPS and get their approval.

They were the reason these kids were homeless!

“Why not work with CPS. I mean, it is their job to help these kids, right?”

“It’s because of them the kids are homeless and living on the streets. These kids won’t step one foot near any facility that CPS has a hand in,” I said angrily, jumping out of Vivi’s truck. Shutting the door, I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked towards the entrance. “I’m just going to have to think of something different. I’m not giving up. I know there is a solution somewhere.”

“Girl, this town isn’t going to know what hit them,” Vivi grinned, reaching for the door. “In the meantime, let’s go shopping!”

Now that, I could get behind.

The Lawton Farmer’s Market, located in the heart of Lawton’s historic Ware district, supported local farmers by creating a place where farmers could sell their goods directly to the public and also strengthen the community bond by bringing friends, neighbors and visitors together to create a sense of community and social gathering, while educating the general public on the benefits of eating locally grown food.

With over forty vendors, the Farmer’s Market was open year-round and partook in various events and festivals, the biggest being the Annual Tomato Festival, which was being held this July.

I couldn’t wait to attend that. I loved tomatoes.

Making my way around all the booths, eyeing the delicious fresh vegetables, fruit and various baked goods, I eyed a booth where the vendor was selling homeopathic lotions, soaps, shampoos, you name it. It looked like they catered to a wide range of everyday needs. Picking up a candle, I took a deep breath and damn neared orgasmed.