Page 43 of Kansas

Bongo nodded. “Yeah, but it won’t do any good. Found his cell in his office. He broke it.”

“That makes no sense. He knew I was coming back here. He wouldn’t leave the kids alone.”

“Kali. There are things in Kansas’ past that still haunt him. He’s not had an easy life. Just give him some time to get his head straight. He will be back.”

“I know all about Katie, Pence. He told me.” I sighed, raking my hand through my hair. This was so unlike him. I felt it in my gut. Something was missing. Something they weren’t telling me.

“Not Katie. Before her.”

Looking up at Pence, I frowned. “What are you talking about?”

“He’s talking about Amy.”

Spinning around, I stared at Montana Stone in the flesh, standing in the doorway to the clubhouse. His parents were standing next to him.

“Montana?” I whispered slowly, getting to my feet. “What are you doing here?”

“Kansas called me.”

“Why?” I asked, as a trickle of fear took root in the pit of my stomach.

“He asked me to come get you and the kids. He doesn’t want you here anymore. I was wrong to assume he would help. I’m so sorry I put you in this situation.”

Shaking my head, I took a step back. He wouldn’t. No. I wasn’t leaving. Kansas loved me. I knew he did. He wouldn’t send us away over something so trivial. I wouldn’t believe it. We were building a life here. He said as much. He bought me the house. Wanted to fill all the rooms with kids. He wanted me!

“NO!” I shouted, “I’m not leaving.”

“Kali,” Montana sighed, shaking his head. “I don’t have a choice. Your ex is still out there. Until he’s apprehended, you are still in danger.”

“She ain’t leaving,” Trigger growled, stepping in front of me, as did several of the brothers. “Kali and the kids are ours. We will protect them.”

“Darling,” Virginia Stone stepped forward. “I know this is hard, but you can’t stay here without Kansas. The rules of your trust were clear. You agreed with them. With Kansas gone and refusing to take claim, it voids the marriage license. I’m so sorry, honey.”

Tears pooled in my eyes, falling uncontrollably.

She didn’t mean that.

She couldn’t.

I loved Kansas. I know he loved me too. He was just upset. That’s all it was. He would come back. I knew he would. He loved me. I couldn’t have been wrong all this time. I wasn’t just some contract to him. I refused to believe that.

Reaching for Trigger, I held onto him as my life depended on it. Looking at all the brothers, I pleaded, “Please do something. You all know him best. This isn’t what he wants. Something spooked him. That’s all it is. He loves me. I know he does. You must believe me.”

Trigger wrapped me in his arms, kissing the top of my head. “I believe you, babe. We all do. Our Prez is gone on you and those kids.” Turning to Pence, Trigger asked, “You know him better than any of us, Pence. Where would he go?”

Pence sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Babe,” Vivi muttered. “Katie’s grave.”

“Take me,” Montana ordered, walking out of the clubhouse, his father hot on his heels. Pence quickly kissed his wife, then my cheek, before following Montana out of the clubhouse.

Angel, Whisper, and Widow followed.



The sun had set as I sat looking at her headstone. I didn’t know why I came here. I hadn’t been here since I buried her.