Page 44 of Kansas

I never could bring myself to visit. The thought of what I lost was too much to handle, so I stayed away. Yeah, that probably made me a pussy, but fuck it. Everyone had their breaking point. Mine was seeing my wife cut open and my unborn son’s neck slit.

Yet, I knew she would understand.

“Hey Katie,” I whispered, as the wind picked up around me. Looking around the graveyard, I thought it odd how comfortable the place was. Soothing, even. Here, the dead didn’t have anything to worry about. Their troubles were over.

Looking at my watch, a heavy weight landed on my heart, knowing that Montana should have arrived by now to take Kali and the kids away. I couldn’t think about walking into the clubhouse and not seeing them. It hurt too much. But this was for the best. Without me, they wouldn’t be in danger.

They would be safe.

Montana would ensure that.

“Haven’t seen you here since the funeral,” Monk said, sitting next to me. “Why the sudden visit?”

“Making up for lost time. What are you doing here?”

“Homer’s fishing shack isn’t far from here. Saw your bike. Found Homer passed out drunk. Sobered him up then handed him over to his mom. She is currently ripping his ass a new one.”

I chuckled at that. “You let Conroy know?”

“Yep,” he nodded. “So, why are you really here?”

“Penthouse caught fire. Someone tampered with the wiring.”

“Okay, still doesn’t explain you being here.”

“I’m sending Kali and the kids away. They’re not safe around me.”

Monk laughed. For the first time in five years, I heard my Sergeant at Arms laugh. “Fuck brother, you can’t be that stupid.”

“Watch it, Monk. I’m still your President,” I growled.

“Not when you’re acting like a little bitch, you ain’t. Jesus fuck, Kansas. I get you had a shitty past. We all do. Lots of demons waiting for their pound of flesh but you have a chance at joy again and instead of manning the fuck up, you are going to cower like a pussy and let the one good thing in your life walk the fuck out of your life? Hell no. That ain’t the Prez I fucking know. My Prez would fuck anyone trying to harm what’s his. He’d put a fucking bullet in a motherfucker and not think twice. You are a motherfucking Stone. A god damned Soulless Sinner and those fuckers don’t walk away, ever. They fucking fight till their last breath, then get the fuck back up and fight some more.”

“Couldn’t have said that any better,” the familiar gravelly voice said from behind me. Slowly getting to my feet, I turned to find the man himself standing there… in the flesh.

Without thinking, I charged the bastard, taking him to the ground, punching him over and over. “I told you I would kill you if I ever saw you again!” I roared, hitting him again and like all the times before, I soon found myself on my back and Montana over me, grinning like an idiot.

Instead of hitting me, my brother held my arms above my head and got right in my face. “Stop fighting me, little brother. You will never win.”

“Get the fuck off me!” I growled.

“You gonna do something?” I heard Pence ask. Looking to my left, I saw my father standing there, shaking his head, arms crossed over his broad chest. The look of disappointment written all over his face.

“Nope. This is between them.”

“You accepted the marker, Kansas. That means you belong to me. You fucking walk away from her again and I will rip that brand off your back with my bare hands, then put a fucking bullet in your head. Are we clear?” My brother seethed viciously.

“Yeah,” I shouted. “I got it!”

Releasing me, Montana rolled to the side before standing up. Offering me his hand, I swatted it away, getting up on my own accord. I wanted nothing from him. Ever.

“Now, do you want to tell me why you’re acting like a fucking little bitch?”

“Fuck you,” I growled, right before his fist landed against my jaw, knocking me back to the ground.

“Stop being a petulant brat and man the fuck up, Kansas,” Montana sneered before turning to Pence. “What the fuck happened?”

“Fire at his penthouse.”