Page 18 of Kansas

God help them all.

Talia settled over the following week as Kansas kept his word and found my daughter a genuinely nice tutor named Mrs. Worthington. A former college professor at Cameron University and native of Lawton, Mrs. Worthington jumped at the chance to teach my gifted daughter. The older woman wasn’t discouraged by Talia’s age or exuberant personality. Mrs. Worthing told me that if she could handle hungoverfrat boys, then my daughter would be a piece of cake. In fact, the older woman enjoyed teaching so much and even included the twins saying that no age was too young to learn. With Talia and her brothers under Mrs. Worthington’s tutelage from eight in the morning to two o’clock in the afternoon, several of the brothers were able to get back to their normal lives.

I was still healing and looked forward to getting my casts and the wires removed from my jaw in a few days. I couldn’t wait to talk again. Not being able to say what I was thinking had taken its toll on me. I wanted to live again, and I couldn’t do that without a voice. I only had two more days to go and yet it felt like an eternity.

A knock at the door had me smiling as Vivi poked her head in.

“Kali, there are some people here to see you.”

Curious. I wasn’t expecting anyone. The only person who knew I was here was Montana, and he told me he would only show when the coast was clear to go home. Not even my attorney, Mr. Crisp, knew where I was. All correspondence went through Montana until my ex was behind bars.

“Are you expecting company, babe?” Kansas asked, stepping into the room. Shaking my head, Kansas leaned against the far wall. I was grateful for his presence. No one was supposed to know where I was.

Another knock at the door had me turning as Monk walked in with a tall, thin man in a suit and a chubby stern woman next to him. There was something about the man that seemed familiar, but I couldn’t place it. The woman looked repulsed to even be in my room. I didn’t like the way either of them looked about the room, as if just being here was going to soil them. Neither one had place to judge anyone. They didn’t know what Kansas and his club were doing for me. I wouldn’t care if they lived in a shack. They had taken me and my kids in, no questions asked.

“Mrs. Stevens,” the man smiled too brightly for my liking, ignoring Kansas altogether as he walked straight over to my bed. “My name is Matthew Miller, and this is Roberta Coolidge with CPS.”

“Vanderveer. She is no longer married,” Kansas gruffly said.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kansas push off the wall as Talia rushed in, grabbing Kansas’s leg for dear life. Picking her up, she quickly grabbed his neck and hugged it tightly.

Her little body was shaking.

Seeing Monk, who stood legs planted and arms crossed across his chest, firmly looking at the suit as if he were the plague, I watched as Kansas rubbed Talia’s back, trying to calm her down.

Something scared her.

“What the fuck do you want?” The second the words left Kansas’s lips, Talia’s arms tightened around his neck, damn near choking him. Her face turned towards his neck as she barely whispered. “Bad man.”

Monk’s head snapped to Talia’s and his eyes narrowed as the new attorney babbled. “Mrs. Stevens and I need to discuss legal matters, and Mrs. Coolidge is here to take the kids into custody.”

My eyes snapped to Kansas as I lightly shook my head.

What the hell was going on?

There was no way I was letting anyone near my babies. I had custody of them. My attorney, Mr. Crisp, told me so. There was even a restraining order of protection in place. Something was wrong. I was frightened. My gut was screaming at me to run, but I couldn’t. My cast kept me in bed.

Monk walked over and took Talia from Kansas, as Kansas roughly grabbed both the attorney and the CPS woman by their arms, dragging them out of my room, kicking and screaming.

“Monk, don’t leave that room!”

I didn’t know what was going on. I was so damn scared.

Monk stayed with me as he continued to soothe Talia.

My baby girl was terrified once again.

Talia, come here, baby. I type on my phone that Vivi got me.

Talia shook her head as she curled herself deeper against Monk. Instead, Monk came over to sit next to me on the bed and took my hand, squeezing it softly.



Knowing Monk would stay with Kali and Talia, I yanked the motherfuckers out of Kali’s room and into the rec room, where brothers immediately stood waiting for the drama to unfold. Shoving the bastard forward, he fell against one of the card tables and turned to face me. As for the woman, I roughly forced her to sit in a chair.

“Trigger, the boys,” I ordered, as my brother rushed from the room, knowing damn well he would die before anyone entered the makeshift school room.