Page 19 of Kansas

Any of my brothers would happily lay down their lives for those kids.

“I can have you arrested,” the skinny slimy fuck shouted, trying to puff up his chest.

“Shut the fuck up,” I growled, then pointed at the pissed off woman. “Who the fuck are you?”

“Like Mr. Miller said, my name is Mrs. Coolidge. I am with CPS. I have a court order to take the children into custody and escort them back to the Vanderveer Estate in New York City.”

Over my fucking dead body was that smarmy walrus going to take Kali’s kids from her. I didn’t know what the fuck was going on or who these fucks really worked for, but they walked into the wrong clubhouse if they thought they could throw their weight around and think I would just fall in line.

I may only be the President of a motorcycle club, but I had weight too.

A fuck ton of weight.

Smiling, I threw my phone at Pence. “You know who to call.”

Pence’s eyes widened as I turned to the fucking lawyer.

I asked, “What about you?”

“I handle the Vanderveer Estate.”


Standing firm in my resolve, I growled. I knew having Kali here there could be issues. No one knew where she was. She was staying hidden until she healed completely and that bastard who hurt her was dead. My brother insisted on it. Only Montana knew she was with my club. With her fucking ex still out there, she and the kids were in danger. Until John Stevens was six feet under, she was under the protection of the Diamondback M.C.

“Prez,” Pence cleared his throat, then said for the entire room to hear. “According to the person on the phone, he said do what you have to. Reinforcements are on the way.”

I grinned. “Widow.”

Before the slimy fucker could move an inch, Widow had the man’s arms behind his back. The slimy bastard struggled, loudly cursing and threatening all kinds of retribution.

Ignoring him, I turned to Blackjack. “Call Conroy.”

Walking over, I picked up the man’s briefcase that he dropped when Widow grabbed him and removed the legal documents within. Taking a quick look, I saw the document giving him the authority to take the kids. I also saw a document where, if Kali signed, would give up control over her money. But what stopped me short was the document stating that Kali was an unfit mother, incapable of taking care of herself, let alone her children. Furthermore, it stated she was suffering from postpartum depression and suffered a mental breakdown, making her a danger to herself and her children.

“What the fuck is this shit?” I roared, waving the document in my hand. The man cried out like a little bitch as Widow tightened his grip on the man’s shoulder, making him piss his pants.

Fucking pussy.

“The Estate only wants what’s best for the children.”

“I’m going to ask you one more time. Who the fuck did this?”

“Prez,” Pence walked over and handed me back my phone with a worried look on his face. “You got a problem.”


“Well,” Pence said, looking about the room before whispering. “Your mother will be here in about ten minutes.”


“Don’t kill the messenger,” Pence grinned, holding up his hands as he backed away.

Standing my ground, I didn’t move, and neither did my unwanted visitors. It was a stalemate. They weren’t getting shit because I would kill a motherfucker before they took Kali or her kids. That was a given. Now, I was more worried about the Oklahoma sized tornado, who was about to rain down holy hell in my club.

The tornado I still hadn’t told my brothers about.

Talk about a clusterfuck.