Kansas looked over at me.
Talia is a very bright child. She started speaking before she was one. She needs to keep her mind stimulated or you get what just happened.
“So, she needs to be in school?”
She’s too young for school. I used to teach her, but I can’t now. I don’t have the energy.
“A tutor then?”
I’ve tried. No one will take on a three-year-old.
“Yeah, well, they haven’t met me. If Hellraiser needs a tutor, then the brat will get one. The sooner the better, too. God knows what she and Trigger have planned next.”
“I wanna go to school,” my stubborn daughter huffed, crossing her arms.
“Didn’t you hear your mom? You’re too young.”
Stubborn child.
“Look here Hellraiser. You are in my club. Do you want to stay here?”
“Then I’m the Prez and you must listen to me. What I say goes. Understand?”
Mulishly, she nodded. “Fine.”
“Not good enough. Look at me, Hellraiser.”
Talia immediately looked up at Kansas.
“I’m the Prez. What I say goes. You don’t like it, tough shit. You disobey me and there will be consequences. I will punish you. Now, you are getting a tutor and you will start behaving or I will tell Trigger he can’t play with you anymore.”
Talia gasped. Her little lip quivered as big tears pooled in her eyes. Out of all the brothers, she gravitated towards Trigger the most. The man adored Talia and loved being around her.
“But Tig’s my friend.”
“He’s a club brother, Hellraiser. He has to listen to me, too. He fucks up, he gets into trouble. I can’t have one set of rules for him and another for you. Trigger!” Kansas yelled, as the man himself walked into the room a few seconds later, looking sheepishly at his booted feet.
“Tell Hellraiser what happened the last time you messed up?”
Rubbing the back of his neck, the man sighed. “You took me out back and beat the shit out of me.”
I gasped. Trigger had to be joking. Kansas wouldn’t.
“Now tell her why?”
“I was responsible for locking the garage bay doors. I neglected to lock one of the bays, resulting in two cars being stolen. Cost the club a lot of money.”
Talia sniffed as she straightened her shoulders. I knew my daughter was about to push Kansas to his breaking point. My Talia was cunning, but she was only a little girl. Holding my breath, I listened as my daughter clearly said, “I want to be a brother like Tig.”
Covering my smile, I looked at Trigger, who was grinning from ear to ear. Kansas recoiled and shivered. When Talia refused to break eye contact, Kansas narrowed his eyes and firmly said, “You stay out of trouble and listen to your tutor, and I will consider it. But understand me, Hellraiser. One mess up and your ass is toast. Understood?”
Talia smiled and hugged Kansas quickly before climbing off his lap and rushing to Trigger, who immediately picked her up.
“Tig! I gonna be a brother!” she squealed.