“Noooo!” I let out an exasperated sound and then laugh.I’m not really all that upset. My little boy is nine months now but still finds ways to interrupt our routine.

I climb out of bed to go tend to him, and Rock stares at my bare backside appreciatively.

“Stop it!” I tease him.

“I can’t help it, sweetheart. You’re so fucking hot.”

I laugh as I turn around and gesture to my ballooning belly. “You findthisto be hot?”

“Yeah, I do.” He grins mischievously. “Because I put another baby inside you. And I’m going to do it again and again and –”

I playfully punch my husband’s arm and then walk to the other room to fetch our fussy son.

We named our son after my father, and looking at the little tot, I know Pa would have adored him. Baby Jacob’s big blue eyes sparkle upon seeing me and I can’t be upset that he interrupted my morning tryst.

“Want to go see Daddy?” I scoop him onto my hip and take him with me to the bedroom. “Say good morning, Daddy!” The baby squeals with excitement while waving his arms.

“Hi little buddy.” Rock’s massive hands look even larger holding our tiny son. My husband tosses the baby up in the air and catches him – Jacob’s favorite morning game.

I crawl into bed with my boys, happier than I’ve ever been. Then I lovingly stroke my belly with a contented smile on my face.I can’t wait to meet this little girl.

Rock stops tossing our son and cradles him gently while he places one hand on my mound. “Hey there little lady. You excited to join this wild family?”

I smile as I feel the baby move around a little. “I think she is, Daddy.”

Rock leans over and kisses me hard on the lips and I return his gesture with equal fervor.

“Good,” he says with a possessive look in those blue eyes. “Because I can’t wait for a little girl who looks just like her mommy. Utterly beautiful.”

Then, my husband settles himself and I snuggle into the crook of his arm, feeling lazy. “The contractor is coming over to look over the work so far,” he mentions. “Our daughter is going to have a room fit for a princess.”

I shake my head and laugh. When Rock and I found out we were having a little girl, his reaction went from shocked to ecstatic to planning mode all within about thirty seconds. In this case, planning mode means building on a whole new addition to the farmhouse, as well as sprucing up our current space.

“You know shecouldjust share a room with Jacob for now,” I repeat for the hundredth time. “It’s not a big deal.”

“And wecouldjust move into the bigger house,” Rock retorts, also for the hundredth time.

This back-and-forth banter has become somewhat of a game for us. Several months ago, Rock’s father passed while in his bed. It was a sad occurrence, but my husband was grateful that his father lived a fairly long life and died without pain.And they worked hard on their relationshipbefore Old Man McLaughlin kicked the bucket, I think gratefully.Father and son were at peace.

But with his passing, the old rancher did something quite unexpected: he left all his properties, stocks, and investments to his firstborn, and his firstborn alone, which means that my husband owns everything now. Rock is the new owner of the Lazy M, as well as all of the ranch’s bank accounts, stock, and even some crypto assets from what I’ve heard.

Thinking back on the moment, I shake my head and smile. Unlike his brothers, Rock’s father was kind to me when we finally met, and he immediately fell for his grandson. Before he passed, Mr. McLaughlin even took a moment to apologize to me for all of the trouble his family had caused me. He then promised me he would make up for it when the time was right.

And boy, he sure did. While Rock inherited everything, his brothers were completely disowned. At first those assholes tried to fight the will, but to no avail. In fact, in trying to counter act their father’s final wishes, some rather unpleasant details about their own exploits became public, including their abuses and mishandling of family money. As a result, Sam, Cole and Zane fled town quickly and without further pursuit of farm or fortune. We haven’t heard from those assholes in months, and we don’t expect to. I have no idea how they’re getting by in life, and to be honest, I don’t care. They had every opportunity to do good given their fortunate upbringing, and yet they turned out cruel and awful.

I look around my peaceful little farmhouse and sigh happily.

Poetic justice indeed.

“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” Rock asks, stirring me from my reverie.

“Nothing much.” I take his hand in mind. “Oh wait, yes. You know I’ve been volunteering with Meals on Wheels, right?”

My husband shoots me a wry look.

“You mean, in addition to everything else you do on the farm?”

I laugh and nod.