“Yes, now that I’m in a good place, it’s important to give back to the community! But there’s a weird situation going on because one of the trailers we deliver to doesn’t qualify for meals, I don’t think. There’s a handsome man living inside with his stepdaughter, and although they appear down and out, that’s not enough. You know Meals on Wheels is intended for seniors.”

Rock merely shrugs.

“Don’t fight the system, honey. If there are folks in need of food, I wouldn’t begrudge them no matter their age.”

I nod.

“I know, and it’s not the food that I’m worried about. It’s that … well, last time I was there, the trailer was shaking. You know, like bouncing on its springs up and down. And the stepdaughter? Well, she’s cute. Christy Peterson is very pretty actually, and I wonder if something untoward is going on.”

Rock stares at me, one black eyebrow raised.

“Untoward? What do you mean?”

I shrug.

“Let’s just say there were sounds too,” I say in a low voice. “There was moaning, and it sounded like it was Christy and her stepdad having some illicit fun.”

Rock stares at me again.

“Holy shit. Fuck. Should we do something? Say something?”

I shrug.

“I don’t know. I hung around a little after depositing the meals on their doorstep, and the moaning and bouncing stopped. Then Christy appeared in the doorway, and she seemed fine. She picked up the bag and brought it into the trailer like nothing was wrong.”

Rock shakes his head.

“Well, we’ll have to keep an eye out for her. She’s over eighteen, right?”

I nod.

“I think so, but still. It’s a weird situation. I just can’t think of any reason why there’d be moaning like that.” But then I brighten. “Okay, onto happier, less questionable, news because my head’s going to explode if I think about this even one more second. The remodel is coming along nicely, I’ll admit.” I hold up my hand before my husband can interrupt me with an ‘I told you so’ and continue, “as long as the contractors stop scaring poor Miss Bethy with their yelling over the constant hammering and drilling. Poor thing isn’t used to such a racket, they’ll scare her to death!”

Rock laughs heartily. “I’m fairly convinced nothing can kill that cow.”

I wink.

“I think you’re right. But remember, Miss Bethy is how I met you, and now, I better get up and feed and water her. I’ve got a busy day ahead. I need to go check on the progress in the west fields and check in with the team about the new combines,” I say.

My husband frowns.

“Sweetheart, you’re expecting. You don’t need to do that in addition to everything else you already have on your plate.”

I merely wave a hand at him.

“Oh you! You know I love being in charge of the land, and I especially love being in charge ofyourproperty, Mr. McLaughlin.”

After all, now the Fields Farm and the Lazy M are fully merged, and the two farms have become one. Over the past few months, Rock and I have found a rhythm in how we run the place: he oversees the business side of things, and I oversee the staff and crop growing. But we’re both notorious for going to the fields ourselves and getting our hands dirty.

We can’t help it; we’re both farmers at heart.

Rock climbs out of bed and takes the baby over to a playpen in the corner before giving him with a toy. Then my handsome man immediately comes back to bed and pulls me against his broad chest.

“Not so fast, missus. We’ve got other business to attend to first.” And with that Rock kisses me passionately. In the gorgeous man’s embrace, I forget all about crops and combines, caught up in the loving embrace of my forever cowboy.