I ran my shaking hand through my hair. “I’m sorry. That’s never happened before.”

Fuck! How the hell was I going to get out of this one?

“What happened?” Damon demanded.

“Oh, it was nothing,” I said, looking to Veronica and hoping she see that I wanted her to keep my secret.

Apparently not.

“When he grabbed my hand I saw... I saw...” Veronica gulped, unwilling to share what we’d both seen.

I wouldn’t share her secret, but how would we get out of this one?

Veronica turned to her father, her focus shifting. “Dad, why have I been restricted in all my flight paths this month? I tried to organize to go and see Kayla, and I was told I couldn’t.”

Damon glanced across at his wife, then went into a fight with his daughter about her safety. And her responsibilities. And her age.

I zoned out, unable to focus on anything except the magic still simmering in my veins.

Since when had my magic been so unstable? So out of control?

Was that what Mom had seen in her vision? My mate amidst flames that were due to my magic? My out-of-control magic?

I clenched my jaw hard. I wasn’t interested in finding my fated mate yet, but when I did, I would make sure that I kept an iron grip on my power. I would never knowingly allow my magic to harm anyone, especially not someone I cared about.

But what if I lose control and don’t have a choice?

The voices around me were getting louder and I backed away from the table. “I think it’s time I headed home.”

The three fighting dragon shifters turned to face me.

“I’ll walk you out.” Cass hurried around her husband and daughter to grab my arm. “I won’t be long.” She glared at Veronica before guiding me toward the door.

Once we were out of earshot and walking along the hallway to the same balcony I’d landed on when I arrived, Cass squeezed my arm. “Why haven’t you or your parents ever said anything?”

“About what?” I asked, my stomach twisting with sudden stress.

Cass stopped and held tight to my arm so I would swing around to face her.

“You have magic, don’t you? Like Marienne.”

“Magic? M...Me? No. No. Of course not.”

I’d never been asked that question directly, so I definitely hadn’t planned my reaction properly.

I took a breath and forced a smile to my face. “I can shift, you know that. I can’t have magic as well.”

Cass’s gaze was keen, and even though she didn’t say anything, I knew she didn’t believe me.

She nodded. “That’s true... so how did you just show my daughter a vision? And although I’m tempted to ask what it contained, I know what you shared with her is personal. So, I’ll somehow refrain, for the moment.”

I opened my mouth to rebut what was clearly the truth and Cass raised an eyebrow as though daring me to lie.

I slammed my mouth shut and didn’t say anything.

The last thing I wanted to be was a liar. Though, I was tempted.

The queen lifted her hand and I kissed her knuckles as a show of respect. “Thank you for visiting us, Anthony. Fly safe.”