She was dismissing me instead of grilling me further, and I appreciated the reprieve more than I could say.

“Thank you, Aunt Cass.”

She nodded and turned, and walked away.

I watched her go, too many conflicting thoughts in my head. Should I call out and try to reassure her that she hadn’t seen what she thought she had?

Or would that just compound my weak attempt at denying the vision?

I shook my head and hurried to the balcony door, throwing off the robe as I went. Despite my joking comment about taking it with me, I would never take anything from anyone.

I stepped out into the freezing weather, my magic instantly warming me with a buzz all over my skin.

Damn it. I hadn’t even conjured it that time.

Why was my power suddenly stepping out on its own? As uncomfortable as it might be, I had to talk to my mom.

I closed my eyes and let my dragon shifter take over my body once more. It was time to go home and find out how to turn off this other side of me—this unwanted, flawed side—once and for all.

Chapter 4


When I arrived home my mother was waiting for me just inside the doors to the balcony landing area with a warm robe and slippers. Our castle was well made, and my father had ensured it was well kept. However, it was mostly stone and freezing to the touch in places, so the slippers were a welcome greeting.

“We have to talk,” she said as I slid my arms into the robe and tied it around my waist.

“We certainly do,” I agreed. “How do I get rid of my magic forever?”

She gaped at me. “What?”

“I don’t want it,” I declared. “I never have. And it’s getting stronger. I can’t control it as I once did.”

“You’re not meant to control it,” Mom said, stepping closer. Her voice was a little short. “You’re meant toembraceit. Be grateful for it. The way I am, every day.”

I rolled my eyes at her. Grateful? “You know I’m not meant to have the ability to shift, and magic as well. One or the other, not both. It makes no sense. I’m a dragon shifter!”