He called off his wedding.
As much as I think about that, and as often, I don’t know what to do with that information. So, I do nothing.
I’m getting married in seven months after all.
And Bradford and I are done as far as I’m concerned.
Two Months Later
April is chillier in New York than usual. The weather is in line with my mood. As I glance around the restaurant Mom chose for lunch today and smile at all the people I know, which is most of them, I wonder why humans don’t hibernate like animals in the colder months. Not that the weather this month is that cold, but still, hibernation feels like a solid plan these days. I’d like to shut myself away from life for a while.
“So, your father won’t be arriving until late Saturday,” Mom says, drawing me back into the conversation.
“Oh,” I say, “Johnathon can’t make it now, so it’ll just be me.”
Jenna frowns as she reaches for her drink. “Why not? This weekend has been planned for six months, Kris.”
Honestly, if people keep hounding me for details on why Johnathon works so much, I may hurt them.I don’t know, I want to scream at them. I’m not in charge of my fiancé’s schedule. It would look a lot different if I was, but I’m not, and I never will be. So, for the love of God, everyone needs to stop questioning me over it.
“I know it has, Jenna, but he can’t control work commitments.”
“Yes, but—” she starts.
“But nothing. Please stop pestering me about his work. I’m tired of it.”
“I’m not pestering you. I’m honestly wondering what’s keeping him from such an important family weekend. We never all spend time together like this. I’d have thought he’d want to be there for it. And I know Dad won’t like him canceling.”
Mom shakes her head. “No, your father will be okay with this.” She pats my hand reassuringly. “Don’t worry over that. He understands that work comes first.”
“It’d be nice if he understood that when it comes to my work,” Jenna mutters under her breath.
Mom purses her lips at Jenna. “Let’s not ruin lunch, Jenna. Your father’s thoughts on your work are complicated and best not gotten into when we’re trying to enjoy time together.”
“Right,” Jenna says. “Avoidance is the Blaise specialty, after all.”
“Jenna,” Mom says, using the sharp tone that both my sister and I know means this topic of conversation is finished with.
We move onto discussing the social events we all have coming up. Mom and I meet regularly for lunch, but Jenna only joins us every now and then. Her personal styling business keeps her super busy. I love having her here today, but my thoughts are too distracted to fully enjoy her presence.
Things haven’t been great between Johnathon and me the last few weeks and there was something off about him this morning. Something I can’t quite put my finger on.
He came home later than usual last night. Like, really late. Around three a.m. And when I tried to initiate sex with him this morning before he left for work, because we haven’t had it for two weeks, he wasn’t interested.I’m tired, babe, he’d said as he pushed me away and left the bed to take a shower. His second shower in three hours because he took one when he arrived home.
Johnathon is never too tired for sex.
Dark thoughts that have been crowding my brain lately ran wild while he took that shower.
He’s cheating on you, Kristen. I would never lie to you.
Bradford’s words have been on repeat for a week now while things between Johnathon and me have spiraled. I try to drive them from my mind but I fail. They’re stuck in a groove that my brain seems to like.
He’s not cheating on me.
He’s not.