He loves me.

Oh, God.

My stomach lurches and I’m almost certain I’m going to vomit.

I shove my chair back and rush to the bathroom as my face flushes with heat and my mouth suddenly becomes watery.

I make it just in time, vomiting violently and sweating just as furiously.

It leaves me feeling faint and once I’m sure I won’t vomit again, I flush the toilet and sit on the toilet lid.

The minutes pass while I catch my breath and try to get myself in order. I’m not sure how much time passes before I hear Jenna’s voice.

“Kris, are you okay?”

I am as far from okay as one can be, but there is no way I will tell her this. Whatever is happening between Johnathon and me needs to stay between us. I’ll fix it and no one will ever need to know there was a problem.

“I think I ate something that didn’t agree with me.”

“You ate some bread. I’ve never known anyone to get food poisoning from bread. What’s really going on? You’ve been off since we arrived.”

“I know people who’ve had food poisoning from bread.” I stand and exit the stall, coming face-to-face with her assessing eyes. My sister is always trying to get me to share my problems with her. It’s exhausting. “I’m okay now.”

“Right, but why are you off today?”

Oh my God.


The scream that is perpetually trapped in my throat begs me to let it loose.

‘I’m not off,” I snap, forcing that scream into submission. “I’m tired. I’m allowed to be tired and quiet, aren’t I?”

Her eyes continue narrowing at me. “Yes, but—”

“Stop it with the buts, Jenna! I’ve had enough. I’ve got a lot on my mind. I don’t need you adding to any of it.”

She gives me a frustrated look but finally lets her line of questioning go.

As we walk back to our table, I spot Carla Byrd entering the restaurant.

“Fuck me, can this day getanyworse?” Seeing her is like seeing everything that’s wrong with me, because she’s everything I am not.

Jenna frowns at me. “What’s wrong?”

I don’t bother answering her. Instead, I say, “I have to go.” I reach for my purse and look at Mom. “I’m not feeling well. I’m going to go home and lie down. I think I’ll call Johnathon to come home and look after me.” That last bit about Johnathon is a lie, but I know it’ll smooth my exit for Mom.

She gives me a sympathetic look. “Of course, darling. Go home. Feel better. I’m sure Johnathon will look after you beautifully.”

Jenna tries to come with me but I don’t let her. We bicker over this for a few minutes. Minutes I would rather be anywhere than in this restaurant because I’m facing the table where Carla is sitting and she’s so fucking amazing that I want to vomit again.

As I walk out of the restaurant, I think about the fact Mom didn’t ask what was wrong with me. She didn’t bother to ask after that detail.

I then chastise myself for thinking about that.

I do not need anyone noticing my details, asking after my details, or wanting anything to do with my details.

And goddamn the man who even made me aware of all of this.