I feel like a chastised little girl right now. Bradford has told me what he thinks of my choices, and so has my father. None of it feels good and I don’t want to promise anyone anything. But putting on a show is one of my skills, so I nod. “I will.”
When he finally lets me go, I don’t look back. I hurry to where Lyle’s waiting for me and begin putting us back together.
I have to.
My father wants me to marry this man.
One Year Later
@kristenblaise and@lyleastor have called it quits. But, my friends, wait for it, let’s sip the tea together because Kristen has been spotted with @johnathonswindle #gasp Whatever will her mama say? The sheets at Lyle’s are still warm. But then, there’s been talk that this relationship was off the rails a long time ago, and we did spot Lyle looking a little cozy with a redhead three weeks ago, so we’re all for Kristen’s #savage move #thankyounext Stay tuned, friends. We’ll report back when we know more about this #situationship . Kristen is a fave of ours on the NY social scene and we’re cheering for her to find her man #goqueen
Six Months Later
“Dad’s in a mood tonight,” Jenna says as she reaches for the cocktail on the table in front of her. “I wish I’d known he would be before agreeing to come to this ball. It’s the absolute worst way to spend Christmas Eve.”
“Your father’s always in a mood,” Johnathon, my boyfriend drawls.
Jenna rolls her eyes at him. “And yet you love him. Oh, that’s right, because he never takes his mood out on you. You’re the guy who can do no wrong in his eyes.”
She’s right. Dad loves Johnathon more than he loved Lyle, and that’s saying something because Lyle was his golden boy from day one. He gave Lyle a job at Blaise Media and moved him up the ranks fast. The fact Lyle still works for the company, that Dad didn’t find a way to fire him after he treated me so badly, is something that still hurts. My father didn’t come out openly and say it to me, but what he did say implied he thinks I was to blame for the breakdown of my relationship.
I smile at Johnathon. “Give him time. Everyone does wrong in Dad’s eyes at some point.”
Johnathon returns my smile before leaning in and saying, “Dean just arrived. I’ll be about half an hour.”
I watch as he walks across the ballroom toward one of his clients. Johnathon works a lot more than any man I’ve dated, often disappearing when we attend social events. I’m okay with this; he’s super attentive when we are together, and I know he’s busy building his future.
“Are you guys actually going to skip dinner tomorrow?” Jenna asks.
I nod. “Yes. We’re leaving for Paris tomorrow morning.”
“Wow. I’m impressed. How’s Mom taking it?”
“So, here’s what I’ve learned in my twenty-five years. Mom and Dad are good with almost anything if they adore the guy you’re sleeping with. I could write you a manual on how to keep our parents happy if you’d like.” My tone is sarcastic with that offer, but it’s true; I could write her a manual.
“Yeah, because that would be something I’d read.”
I laugh. “Where’s Declan? His appearance here would earn you a tick from them.”
“He can’t make it tonight. He’s got something on with his family.”
I arch my brows. “And you weren’t invited?”
“Kris, we’re two months into this relationship. I’m good with not being invited to his party tonight.” She narrows her eyes at something across the room. “Oh, God. Declan’s best friend is here. If I have to speak to him, there may be a knife involved. You have to save me. Do not let that man near me.”
“Who, Beckett?” I gaze across the room at the tall, good-looking man she’s talking about.
“Yes. He’s so fucking arrogant. I seriously want to stab him every time he opens his mouth.”