I’ve never met Beckett, but I know of him. I’ve seen him at quite a few galas and he reminds me of Bradford. They’re the kind of men who are confident in their own skin, who dominate a room simply with their presence.

Thoughts of Bradford cause me sadness. Ever since the day he broke up a fight between me and Lyle, our friendship has been different. I’ve been less open with him; he’s been less inclined to push me on my life choices. We’ve slowly drifted apart. There are so many unspoken things between us now.

We see each other every few months or so at parties or galas, but we never find ourselves alone. I miss him, but there’s a part of me that breathes easier not having to explain myself to him.

A text alert sounds from my phone.

Johnathon: I need longer with Dean. I’m sorry, but I’ll make it up to you later.

Me: I’m holding you to that.

Johnathon: You know I will, baby.

“I love that dreamy look you get when you receive texts from Johnathon,” Jenna says.

I look at her with a huge smile on my face. “I’m in love with him.”

She smiles. “I know. And I love that for you. But just so you know, if he hurts you,Iwill hurt him. After the shit Lyle put you through, I’m keeping a close eye on all the men you date.”

Jenna is the only person who knows the extent of the hurt Lyle caused me. I don’t have close friends like she does, and I don’t share my feelings with the friends I do have. And I certainly don’t talk to Mom about hard things. She’s not interested in anything too deep, which honestly, works for me. I’m more like Mom than Jenna who I have no doubt would unload all her feelings onto a stranger if she needed to.

“You don’t have to keep a close eye on Johnathon. He is nothing like Lyle.”

“Still, I’m watching.”

Her phone starts ringing and when she sees it’s Declan, she says, “I’m gonna take this outside so I can hear him.”

“Don’t do anything like stabbing men while you’re gone,” I say as she stands to leave.

She grins. “I’m liking this sense of humor you’ve had lately. I need to see more of it.”

I like that she thinks I have a sense of humor. I always feel so rigid and tight but have always wanted to be fun. Being with Johnathon has been easier than being with any boyfriend I’ve ever had. He’s the life of any party he attends. He’s charming and affectionate. Never demeaning. He makes me feel safe and loved, and he helps me loosen up a little.

Mom interrupts my thoughts when she takes the seat next to me. “Your father is running late, darling.” She frowns as she inspects my face. “I think you might want to pop to the bathroom and fix your makeup.”

My hand instantly goes to my face, horrified that there’s something wrong with it.Why didn’t Jenna say something?“What’s wrong with it?”

“It just needs some touching up.”

I’m on my feet straight away and hurrying toward the bathroom, hoping that no one stops me on my way.

Thankfully, no one does, and I find the restroom empty when I arrive. I quickly move to the mirror to see what my mother was talking about. It’s my turn to frown now. There’s nothing wrong with my makeup. It’s perfection if ever I saw it. I paid good money to have my face done and should have known my mother was being dramatic.

I roll my eyes as I reach into my clutch for my lipstick. My lips don’t really need touching up but I do it anyway.

I’m halfway back to the table when I run into Bradford. Literally run into him. He’s turning to walk the way I’m coming from and collides with me.

His hands come straight to my arms, gripping me firmly to steady me. His eyes meet mine, holding them just as firmly as he says, “Kristen.”

And just like that, my butterflies are set free.

Why must he be the man who owns those butterflies?

Not even Johnathon can unleash them like this.

They’re wild and free with Bradford. Like they’ve been caged for too long and can exhale in their freedom.

“Hi.” The word stutters out of me in bewilderment because I’m suddenly aware we’re not alone. Bradford’s girlfriend is right behind him.