Lorelei: Congratulations, Kristen! Australia is a great honeymoon destination. Just saying. Ashton and I would love to see you guys out here one day! Xx

There are messages from my brothers.

Oliver: Bradford Black, huh? If anyone in our family knows how to cause a scandal, it isn’t Jenna. I want to say congrats, but I need to see this marriage in person before I commit to that.

Grayson: Let me know when you’re home.

Grayson’s message is actually code forIf he breaks your heart, I will destroy him. Oliver’s text is only one step down from that. I may never have had my father’s love in the way I wanted it, but my siblings have always gone above and beyond loving and protecting me.

And then there’s a nasty message from Phillip.

Phillip: I knew you were a slut for him. You could have had me, Kristen. I would have given you everything.

I can’t believe I gave any of my time to that man. But then, he did help me work out some of my boundaries when it comes to men, and that will help me in my marriage. Maybe I’ll send him a bottle of his favorite scotch and thank him for being a real dick.

Noticeably missing is a text from my mother. There are a lot of unread texts from her yesterday when I didn’t have my phone, but she hasn’t called or texted about my marriage.

I move on from thinking about what that means to the voicemail my father left. The one demanding I call him straight away.

I don’t call him straight away.

I put makeup on.

I style my hair.

I choose a dress to wear on the plane. One that is sure to drive Bradford wild.

I pack.

And then I call him.

“Kristen,” he answers and I know that when Jenna said he wasn’t happy, what she really should have said was that he was furious in the kind of way that means he’ll withdraw his love for longer than the standard couple of weeks he usually does when I’ve angered him.

“You heard my news.”

“I’ve called our lawyer to draw up divorce papers. He’ll be here at eight tonight. I expect you then too.”

“I’m not getting a divorce, Dad.”

“You are. I forbid you to stay married to that man. The Black name is not one I will ever tolerate anywhere near the Blaise name.” His steely tone causes me to pay closer attention to what he’s saying. Not to mention the fact he disapproves of Bradford. I didn’t see that coming. I knew he’d hate the way I got married, but I thought he’d eventually be happy with the marriage. After all, Bradford ticks all the boxes my father has for worthy husband material.


“The history between our families is not one I care to revisit.”

“What history?”

“Just end it, Kristen. You won’t like the consequences if you don’t.”



Jenna: Whatever you do, don’t go on social media.

Me: Bradford’s been telling me that all day.

Jenna: Let me guess, you ignored him just like you’re going to ignore me.