“I’m impressed,” Jenna says. “You found a man with great priorities.”

“Wait. How bad were those photos?”

“Let’s just say they were one step away from you releasing your very own sex tape. And can I also just say, you let me down. We could have been known as the sisters who brought shame onto their family rather than that just being me who did that.”

“Oh, I’m pretty sure this marriage will do that.” My father isnotgoing to like this.

“Yeah, speaking of that, I’ll bring your phone to you. It’s blowing up with calls and messages. And Kris?”

I already know what she’s about to say. “Dad?”

“I’ve had him on the phone this morning asking me why you’re not answering your calls and whether I know what possessed you. He’s not happy.”

The fact I didn’t think about my father once before I married Bradford is all the proof I need to know that while I’d like to send my therapist to outer space with some of my parts, every second I’ve sat on her couch and ripped myself wide open for her has been worth it.

I gave up on gaining my father’s approval the day I ended my engagement to Johnathon, and although it’s been a hard road to where I am today, I haven’t looked back. Once I tasted that freedom, I never wanted to give it up again, and I haven’t.

“I can imagine.”

“Seriously, how the hell did you two end up married? After what went down between you two at dinner last night, I’m guessing there’s history there?”

“I’ll tell you all about it later, but mostly I’m married because Bradford is the bossiest man I know.” This catches his attention and he gives me a look ofthat’s how we’re playing this? I smile at him before saying to Jenna, “Let’s just say that I randomly, in the spirit of having fun, suggested that getting married in Vegas could be fun, and he ran with it. And because he has more money than anyone should, he could make it happen.”

I’d be lying, though, if I said I didn’t die for the way he took charge and made it happen. There’s something about a man with that kind of power that gets me hot.

“I need this story soon.” She pauses and I hear Beckett say something to her. Then, she comes back to me. “Beckett’s going to bring your phone to you. Unless you need me.” She adds that last offer softly and I hear all her heart in her words. In amongst all the pain of my broken engagement was some gold, my relationship with my sister being gold I treasure. We’re now close in a way we never were.

“No, I’m good.”

Bradford pushes off the vanity after I end the call. He takes his phone when I hand it back. He then lifts my left hand, looking at the rings he put there last night. “These look good here.”

There’s something new in his tone. Something that’s not been there before. “As in you like them or as in you like what they tell people?”

The intense way he looks at me can’t be confused with anything but what it is. “I’ve lived through too many years of you not being mine. We’re never doing that again. And every asshole out there will now know that too.”

I would never have thought Bradford was the possessive type. I’ve witnessed him with a lot of women and not once has he displayed any kind of possessiveness.

I look at the ring on his finger, feeling the same kind of intense emotion about it. “I like every woman knowing you’re mine too.”

He drops his lips to mine and steals a kiss that leaves me a little breathless before striding out of the bathroom. I place my hand to my stomach as my butterflies let me know they’re as desperate for more of his kisses as I am.

And then I have the strangest thought: if I could go back nine years and change everything, I don’t think I would. I think Bradford and I are exactly where we’re meant to be.

* * *

Beckett deliversmy phone and gets into a conversation with Bradford. I go to my suite to pack while they talk. I’m flying home with Bradford in his jet and we’re leaving soon. Before I start packing, I check all the messages and missed calls on my phone. I don’t have as many as Bradford had, but there are a lot.

Jenna’s friends surprise me with messages. They forced me into swapping numbers over the weekend.

Adeline: How did we not know you and Bradford had a thing? Huge congratulations. Drinks to celebrate as soon as you can xx

Charlize: I adore Bradford for you! I think this makes us third best friends. And thank you for saving all of us from Cecelia *shudders* Can’t wait to catch up soon! x

I have no idea what she means by third best friends, and I think maybeIshould shudder at that but for some reason, I don’t. This mid-life crisis is causing all kinds of strange reactions to things.

Poppy: When I said to quit Tinder, this wasn’t quite what I had in mind. And when you two were playing your very own version of Fuck, Marry, Kill at dinner last night, I honestly thought kill might be in the cards. Congrats, babe. And for the love of God, I hope you two agreed on flossing as part of the prenup.

Jessica: That’s how it’s done! Make a decision and execute it straight away. No messing about. I like your style. Congrats!