Page 30 of Jameson Fox

I hate that I loved him at one point and decided to marry him. I’ve made many bad decisions in my life, but Thomas Miller was the worst.

I’ve finished dressing for the day and am about to go in search of coffee and food when a text comes through.

Lara: I hope to God that you’ve convinced Jameson to do this photo shoot. With this bullshit that Thomas has said overnight, we need something to shift attention.

Adeline: I’m still working on him.

Lara: Jesus, Addy, hurry up. This is urgent.

If only she knew how fucking difficult dealing with my husband is.

Vanessa got nowhere with trying to schedule the shoot through Shantel yesterday, so I’m going to have to bring it up with him again.

I survey the bedroom after spritzing some perfume on. Jameson had the boxes cleared into one of his spare bedrooms last night after I made it clear I had no intention of living without my belongings. He’s still refusing to remodel. Instead, he’ll turn the spare bedroom into a closet for me.

It wasn’t what I wanted, but I know when I’ve reached the end of the road on something, and I am more than sure Jameson won’t budge on this. And as much as I want to push him some more, because God does he infuriate me with that arrogance and dismissiveness of his, he was right about me not being a woman who plays games.

I’m not.

In fact, I detest them as much as he does.

I barely recognized myself at dinner last night when I insisted on testing him and then when I told Jeff to put all my boxes in the bedroom. But that’s what Jameson does to me. I find myself saying and doing things I’d not normally do.

I’m letting the remodel idea go and moving on. Goodness knows, I’ve got enough other problems to focus on right now.

“Mrs. Fox,” Jeff says when I meet him halfway to the kitchen. “I should have your belongings stored by the time you arrive home tonight.”

I smile. Jameson might be an asshole, but he’s surrounded by good people. In fact, there’s not one person I’ve met through him that I don’t like. “Thank you, Jeff. I appreciate it.”

He nods and continues down the hallway while I finish making my way to the kitchen.

I was hoping not to run into Jameson in here, but he’s sitting at the table drinking coffee while scrolling his phone. I don’t acknowledge him; I simply head straight for the coffee machine and breakfast food Jeff has prepared for us.

While I’m filling my plate, Jameson says, “It’s Taco Tuesday at Mom’s tonight. We need to leave here around seven.”

I stare at him. “You didn’t think to put this on my calendar or tell me about it earlier than now?”

“I’m telling you now. Besides, you know she does it every Tuesday.”

I continue staring at him. “You’ve taken me three times, Jameson. Weeks ago. And I’m not sure if you made it that clear it’s a weekly thing.”

He takes a deep breath before standing and bringing his coffee mug over. After he places it on the island, he says, “It’s a weekly thing. We’re going tonight. Don’t be late.”

He doesn’t wait for my response before striding out of the kitchen.

It’s my turn to take a deep breath. If I don’t, I may go after him and attempt to inflict damage.

I’m almost certain Lara is going to want to inflict her own damage when I break the news to her that I can’t get him to agree to a photo shoot. Because I doubt very much Jameson has any intention of doing one.

I eat my breakfast and drink my coffee in the ten minutes I’m alone before he returns. He looks at me expectantly. “Are you ready to leave?”


He nods. “Good.” With that, he exits the kitchen and heads for the elevator.

We don’t speak on the drive to work. I don’t have it in me to, and Jameson is busy on his phone. I’d usually spend the time going through emails, but I’m tired this morning after not much sleep again last night. Instead, I stare out the window and contemplate how much staying married to Jameson means to me.

I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but I made some assumptions about how we’d navigate daily life that I shouldn’t have made.