Page 29 of Jameson Fox

“I’m not finished showering.”

“Well, finish. And do it fast. I’ll have Jeff take care of these boxes while you’re in there if you don’t.”

I pull at the buttons on my shirt, undoing them as I stalk back through the maze of boxes and go into my bathroom. My anger increases when I realize three of her fucking boxes are stored in there also.

Like I told her earlier, she’s playing a dangerous game here, and she won’t enjoy the consequences if she keeps it up.

I’ve just stripped out of my shirt when her voice floats through the air behind me. “How may I be of service to you, master?”

I turn to face her, fury sitting deep in my chest. “For a start, you can cut this fucking bullshit. I don’t appreciate your attitude. And then you can tell me why the hell I’m surrounded by boxes?”

Jesus, she’s wrapped that body of hers in the tiniest towel known to mankind. It must be one of hers because I sure as hell don’t have towels made for children in my home. It only just fits around her, and only just covers what it should. I’m staring at far too much skin right along with all that attitude she’s throwing my way.

“These are my belongings, darling. When a wife moves in with her husband, it’s generally accepted that she’ll bring all her things with her. I think I may need you to help me find room for them.”

Before she sees me coming, I close the distance between us, push her up against the tiled bathroom wall, grip both her wrists, and press our hands to the wall either side of her head so she can’t move. Leaning my face close to hers, I growl, “Now is not the time to test me, Adeline. Not after subjecting me to you all night.”

Hostility blazes from every pore of her. “I do believe you’re the one who subjected me toyou. I didn’t want to go to that dinner party, but you forced me to, so you only have yourself to blame for that. And as far as my belongings go, I told you that what I own won’t fit in the space you’ve allocated me. This should not be a surprise to you. And take your fucking hands off me or everyone in your penthouse will hear the screams of a wife being terrorized by her husband.”

I keep my hands right where they are. “I don’t tolerate women playing games with me. I didn’t take you to be the kind to engage in them.”

“Oh, I’m not playing games, Jameson. I want my belongings here and you will have to find a way to make that happen. And when I tell you I’ll scream for all to hear, I mean it.”

Right now, the only staff members in my home are Jeff and two of my security team. I’m not concerned about them hearing Adeline scream, but I don’t doubt she’d put the effort in to scream loud enough for the entire building to hear. I’m not convinced, though, that her threat is real. She has too much riding on this marriage for that.

I tighten my grip on her wrists, doing my best to ignore that fucking perfume of hers. I’m furious with her, and yet, my dick hasn’t gotten the memo. Between her scent, her closeness, and the tension that’s always crackling between us, I want to throttle her as much as I want to tear that damn towel off right now. “If you want your company back, you won’t make a sound.”

“Is that going to be your standard response for the next year whenever you refuse to compromise?”

“There’s nothing to compromise on. You’ll only be living with me for twelve months. You don’t need to bring every belonging you own with you for that short a time.”

“God, you are so fucking arrogant thinking that you know best for other people. You have no idea what items I’ll need for a year.”

“I know you don’t need a million boxes of clothes to get through a year. I’m presuming that’s what’s in those boxes.”

“And there you go, showing your ignorance. I have other things in those boxes too.” She presses her lips together while her beautiful green eyes flash with the kind of fire I’m drawn to. “Now, fucking let me go or I promise you, I will scream, and I will do it very loudly.”

This time, I believe her, so I let her go. When she tries to push me out of the way, I say, “This conversation is not over.”

She stares defiantly at me. “This conversation is absolutely over. The only thing not over for you is dealing with my boxes.”

With that, she exits my bathroom, leaving me wondering how the fuck I’m in this mess, and how the hell she’s managed to get me here.

I rake my fingers through my hair and exhale a long, frustrated breath.

If Adeline wants her belongings here, she can have them, but I’m not fucking remodeling.



Waking to your ex-husband making comments on the lies being spread about you and your family is worse than waking up to the original lies.

There are two reasons for this.

One: Thomas’s comments are lies in themselves, but that’s what he does best. He will say and do anything if he thinks it’ll increase his profile and benefit him in some way, regardless of who he hurts on the way up.

And two: Thomas is one of the most popular actors in the world right now, so anything he has to say spreads fast and is eaten up.