Before we’re able to take off from the dock, he jumps off the boat and unties the heavy ropes that anchor the vessel in place before settling on the leather chair at the controls. The motor hums to life as he checks his surroundings and carefully navigates the boat out of the harbor.

The further we get from shore, the more wind picks up, blowing through my hair as we fly over the waves. I reach into my bag and grab a rubber band, pulling my long hair into a topknot so it’s not in my face. As Kingsley accelerates, I watch the shoreline grow distant before my gaze shifts to the boy manning the helm. Mirrored sunglasses shade his eyes as the wind whips through his short dark hair. Today he’s wearing a navy-colored T-shirt that clings to his chest and biceps along with plaid boardshorts that reach the top of his knees. My girly parts twitch in male appreciation.

He’s kind of perfect.

Actually, there’s no kind of about it. And from our limited conversation, it’s safe to say that he gets my quirky sense of humor. Other than my twin brother, Austin, not everyone does. So he definitely gets points for that.

After about fifteen minutes, Kingsley cuts the engine and drops the anchor. I glance around. It’s like we’re in the middle of nowhere. He pulls off his aviators, dropping them in a cup holder on the side of the steering column before yanking the soft cotton T-shirt over his head and tossing it to the leather chair.

“Want to go for a swim?”

“Sure.” I straighten to my full height, which is at least eight inches shorter than him. I’m five foot seven, so he has to be well over six feet. I slip my sunglasses into the canvas bag before stripping off the mesh coverup and removing my sandals. The rhythmic rocking beneath my feet takes some getting used to. I grip the edge of the chair so I don’t take a tumble.

This morning, I’d decided on a light blue bikini. The bottoms are tiny but settle high on my hips and the top is more like a strip with thin arm straps that hold everything safely in place.

“Ready?” he asks.

“Yup.” I follow him to the wooden platform at the back before we step to the edge.

As waves lap at the boat, a bolt of fear arrows through me. Kingsley slips my hand into his larger one before giving it a gentle squeeze. A zing of electricity shoots through my fingertips. I glance at him to see if he’s noticed the strange burst of energy. His gaze searches mine for a moment before his lips quirk. With our hands enclosed, he squats, preparing to jump.

A spurt of nerves flutter at the bottom of my belly. “Wait!”

He pauses, slowly straightening to his full height. “What’s wrong?”

“Ummm.” I glance at the water. It’s so much darker out here than at the shore. Exactly how deep is Lake Michigan? I wrack my brain for the information but can’t come up with an answer. “Are you sure it’s safe?”

“Safe?” His brows slide together. “Of course. We’re in open water.”

Yeah, that’s part of the problem. I always feel better when my feet can touch the bottom. That’s not possible here.

“Do you think there are a lot of fish this deep?”

He tilts his head and says carefully, “I’m sure there are a few.”

My face scrunches. “You think they’re big?”

“I’m not sure. I read somewhere that freshwater salmon can grow anywhere from fifteen to thirty pounds.”

Holy shit! That’s not the answer I was looking for.

“That’s huge.” Not to mention scary. When I swim at the beach, I never worry about that. Half the time, I don’t wade out past my waist. And if I see a few fish, they’re small. No bigger than my palm.

When he tugs my fingers, my gaze snaps to his. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

His words leave my heart spasming. “Promise?”

“I promise.” His eyes search mine for a long moment and something indescribable passes between us. “You’re safe with me.”

I gnaw my bottom lip with indecision. I only met this guy yesterday, and already it feels like we’re doing one of those horrendous trust building exercises. And yet, for some inexplicable reason, I trust him to protect me. How crazy is that?

“All right,” I finally mumble, reluctantly giving in.

“If you’re uncomfortable, we don’t have to stay in the water. Okay?” He waits a beat. “Whatever you want to do is fine with me.”

I blow out a steady breath, his reassuring words making me feel marginally better.

“You ready to do this?”

I jerk my head into a tight nod.

“One, two, three!” he yells.

With our hands tightly clasped, we jump off the edge of the swim platform before sliding beneath the surface and sinking into the cold depths of Lake Michigan. My warmed skin goes into shock as frigid water surrounds my body. I hold my breath and squeeze my eyes tightly shut before untangling my fingers from his and propelling myself to the surface with a flutter of arms and legs. When the bright sunlight hits my face, I suck in a deep breath as my eyes pop open. I glance around frantically only to find Kingsley bobbing beside me with a grin.