“That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

I shake my head. No, it was actually kind of fun.

Waves lap at my chin as I tread water. We’re about five feet from the boat and there’s a ladder hanging off the end in case a hasty exit becomes necessary. Now that my body has gotten used to the coldness that surrounds me, it feels refreshing. I take a few exploratory strokes with my arms. Kingsley keeps pace with me as we circle around the perimeter of the boat.

As I start to relax and enjoy myself, something smooth slides along my leg. I yelp, dog paddling toward him before throwing my arms around his neck and locking my legs at his waist.

“What’s wrong?” he asks, laughter simmering in his deep voice.

My head swivels, peering into the water as if I’m able to see down to the bottom. “Something brushed up against me.”

One of his hands goes to my backside as he presses me closer.

“Are you sure,” he whispers against the shell of my ear.

My arms tighten around his neck as I frown. “I don’t know.” Whatever it was scared the hell out of me.

After a few silent moments tick by and the Lake Michigan equivalent of Jaws doesn’t leap from the waves and drag us to a watery grave, I realize how intimately I’m pressed against the steely strength of his body. My muscles tense as a surge of arousal slams into me before settling in my core. This level of attraction isn’t something I’m familiar with. My gaze widens before fastening on to his heated one.

“Sorry,” I murmur, unsure what to do next. I should probably untangle myself from him, right? It’s like he can read my thoughts as they flicker across my face and his grip tightens on me in response.

“There’s no need to apologize.”

As we bob on the waves, tension gradually leaks from my body. His fingers splay wide on my bottom as he draws me closer.

Mmmm. That feels so good.

I keep the groan locked deep inside as I rest my chin on his shoulder while he kneads my behind.

Holy moly. Has anything ever felt this good?

We stay locked together, the heat of our bodies warming us in the chilled water. He’s barely touched me and already arousal is wrecking havoc on my system. All of my senses feel heightened with awareness.

Kingsley shifts his lower body away from mine before clearing his throat. “You ready to get out. I packed us a lunch.”

Hmmm. Lunch does sound good but staying here in the water with him sounds even better.

Although, I can’t really say that, now can I? “Sure.”

Funny how I was so reluctant to get in the water.

And now?

I’m even more reluctant to leave.

Chapter Three

With no other choice but to untangle myself from Kingsley, I swim toward the metal ladder hanging off the edge of the boat. My fingers cling to the handles as I hoist myself from the water while he waits. Goose bumps break out across my skin as a thick tension permeates the air.

Needing to break the energy that hums dangerously between us, I pause midway up the ladder. “You really need to stop checking out my booty.”

Even though he chuckles, the sound is deep and low as if he’s battling the same kind of arousal as I am. “How do you know that’s what I’m doing?”

I peer over my shoulder before giving him a wink. “Because you’re a dude.”

“You got me there,” he says, voice simmering with humor. “I wanted to get a good look at what I’d been squeezing in my hands.”

The admittance sends an avalanche of tremors sliding through my body.

“In all fairness,” he continues as if we’re discussing something as mundane as the weather, “it’s a nice booty.”

Warmth that has nothing to do with the sun fills me. “Thanks, I do a lot of squats and follow Kim Kardashian religiously. She’s my booty guru.”

He chokes on a laugh. “I’m not sure how I feel about that.”

Once on the deck, I pad over to my bag and grab my coral and black floral-colored towel before wrapping it tightly around my body, shielding my skin from the sun and his view. Walking back from all this flirting seems like a smart idea. The attraction between us feels dangerously close to spiraling out of control and I’m not ready for that to happen.

“Good,” I say, lightening my tone, “that was a test, and you passed with flying colors.”

Kingsley snorts before moving past me. His chilled flesh brushing against mine as he drops to his haunches to grab a navy-colored towel from the cabinet beneath the bench seat. He pops up before pressing the plush material to his face and rubbing his hair.

With unhurried movements, he strokes it over perfect pectorals and six-pack abs. His dark gaze stays pinned to mine as I watch with undisguised interest. A flash of heat streaks to my lower belly before exploding like a firework. Any desire I had stomped out moments earlier flares back to life with a vengeance.