Page 112 of Fire and Ice

"Who's that?"

"She's a long-time family friend, Derek," Jack said exasperatedly.

"Who's got the hots for you."

"She was Anna's best friend!"

"Anna was your sister?" Maia asked.

Jack nodded. "Steph is like a little sister to me."

"Oh yeah?" Derek said. "The way she looks at you, I doubt she thinks of you as a big brother."

Jack suddenly looked uncomfortable, his bronze skin turning ruddy. "Can we drop this? It doesn't matter does it? Maia will be with me."

"Did anything happen, Jack? With Steph?" Maia asked, because Jack looked like someone had set his ass on fire.

He sighed. "Last Thanksgiving, she was waiting for me in my bedroom. Naked."


"We slept together, alright?" Jack said irritably. "It was just that one time and wasn't one of my proudest moments."

"That's kind of pervy seeing as you thought of her like a little sister," Maia teased as Derek laughed his head off.

Jack glared at both of them before breaking into a wry grin as he wrapped his arms around Maia in a gentle bear hug.

He leaned in and whispered into her ear, "Well, you're there and all I want in my bed. I'd like to do the most pervy things to you."

"Uh, guys, really?" Derek muttered.

"Get over it, Lockwood," Jack retorted as Maia smothered her laughter in his chest.


The beautiful federal house was built among the historical townhomes on 35thstreet in the old Georgetown neighborhood. It had an antique buttery-yellow facade with wrought-iron gates and a brick walkway that led to a covered front porch.

Maia took out her keys, opened the door and motioned for Jack to walk in. He carried her LV suitcases so they could switch up a few of her things before he took her home to his apartment.

"Charming place, pricey neighborhood," Jack observed. "AGS must pay you well."

"The property belongs to Viktor, he lets me live in it in between assignments," Maia said. "He said since it's on my cover anyway might as well make it feel like my own."

"How long have you had it?"

"Eight years now, I think," Maia said. "I love this old house. He's even renovated the kitchen for me knowing how much I love to cook."

For some reason, Jack wasn't thrilled about Viktor renovating any kitchen for Maia. That went above and beyond an employer's duties.

And as Maia led him to the kitchen where she deposited her keys on the counter, he became more unhappy. The kitchen had top-of-the-line appliances and cabinets and opened through French doors into a surprisingly well-maintained garden. There weren't many blooms since it was autumn but the fall foliage was remarkable.

"Before you say anything, no I do not take care of the yard," Maia laughed. "Viktor has an arrangement with a landscaping company that makes sure everything is neat and tidy."

"Viktor sure takes care of you," Jack muttered irritably.

Maia angled her eyes at him, "Do I detect some disapproval in that tone?"

Might as well get it out of his system, Jack thought so here goes. "Maia, have you and Viktor had any, uh...any...have you ever slept with him?"