Page 5 of Fatal Vow

“If you take another step, I will blow your brains out right here.” He grits, using his other hand to pull me behind him partially.

“Dmitri, let’s not make this any messier than it already is.” My father steps forward and motions for his security to come over. “Please escort Mr. O’Connor off the property and see to it that no one from that family is allowed back on the property.”

Rian looks at one of the security men as they step closer to him. “I can see myself out. If one of you lay your fucking hands on me, I will beat the shit out of you myself. No need to ensure my family is never allowed back because we will not be back. Any business relations are henceforth done.” The sheer size of Rian was enough to make my father’s security team recoil. Heeding his warning, they simply follow him out the front door.

Looking down at the floor, I try to keep the tears at bay while security escorts Rian away. Blinking them back, I look up at my father. “I hate you,” I whisper before I storm off up the stairs and to my room.

Throwing myself face down on the bed, I pull a pillow under my chin and pull my phone out. Grabbing my phone out of my pocket, I dial Declan’s number. He picks up on the second ring.

“Hey, Nat,” he says and I go to answer him, but when I sniffle, he speaks again. “Are you okay? Do I need to come back?”

“You wouldn’t be allowed, even if you did.” I wipe the tears from my face and stare at the black comforter.

“What are you talking about? Did your dad find out where you were last night?” His voice is filled with worry.

“I don’t know what’s going on, but our fathers have decided to cut ties with each other…” I explain as I stand to pace back and forth in front of the bed.

“What the hell?” he practically shouts.

“That’s not the worst part,” I whisper. “We aren’t allowed to see each other again.” Just as Declan goes to say something else, I hear my father storming up the stairs. “I have to go. I will talk to you again as soon as possible. I love you, Dec.”

“I love you too, Natalia.” His voice is sad, and I know he feels the same heartbreak that I do.

Hanging up the phone, I slide it back in my pocket and sit down on the bed.

“Who were you talking to?” My father asks, bursting through the door.

“You could knock next time…” I retort sassily, avoiding his question.

“I don’t need to knock. This ismyhouse!” he snarls, stomping over to me and holds his hand out. “Give me your phone.”

“No.” I declare. The fury that flashes through his eyes tells me that I’m playing with fire, but right now, I don’t care. He has gone too far this time.

“I will not ask a second time, Natalia. If you think taking Declan away is bad, I assure you, I can do far worse. Phone.Now.” He growls.

“Dad, this is ridiculous. What has happened that is causing all of this?” I ask, not budging on giving him my phone. The conversation sounded heated, and obviously didn’t end well, but even with my listening in, I didn’t have many answers.

“That is none of your concern right now, Dmitri and I have it handled.” He moves his hand in a ‘give it,’ motion.

Crossing my arms, I level him with a steady gaze. “I said, no.”

“Natalia Raisa. If I have to force it out of your hand, I will.” His eyes bore into mine in a silent challenge, waiting to see if I push back further. I know I’ve lost this battle. Reaching into my pocket, I hand over my phone. “You can have it back after the IT guy goes through and blocks any type of contact with Declan O’Connor.”

I watch, dumbfounded, as he leaves my room. I follow behind him. Stopping at my door, I grab it, slamming it so hard it knocks two photos and a shelf off my wall. My father must have been satisfied with my reluctant release of my phone, since he paid no mind to the obvious fit of rage I displayed.

Picking up the photos, I take a second to look at them. The first is a photo of Declan and me at the lake. I had been taking photos of the guys all morning, and Dmitri insisted that he take one of Declan and I. I smile sadly at the photo, placing it back on the shelf.

The second photo is one of the three of us. We were all sitting at the kitchen table drinking hot chocolate. Declan and I were about twelve here, and Dmitri was almost seventeen. We had been out playing in the snow and finally came in after Dmitri smoked our asses in a snowball fight. I place it back on the wall next to the other.

A little while later, I’m lying on my bed watching television when a knock comes at the door. My eyes were dry and my head was aching from the incessant amount of crying. Whoever was at the door, I had no time for.

“Go away!” I yell to whoever is on the other side.

The sound of the door opening causes me to look in that direction. Dmitri walks in with a somber look on his face. I sigh before looking back at the TV.

“What do you want?” I mutter, the frown still present on my face.

“You want an explanation, right?” He asks, sitting down on the edge of my bed. “I’m going to give you one, although it won’t help with the anger you’re feeling.”