“I know, but I feel weird if I don’t ask.” She walks over to the passenger side and climbs in.
Before I can open my door, Dmitri stops me. “I have something I have to do this morning,” he says, looking at his watch. “So, you two go ahead. I will see you later.” The look on Dmitri’s face was serious, so I knew not to question whatever business he needs to attend to.
“What should I tell Nat?” I ask, my eyes flicking to the car and back to Dmitri.
“Just make something up, but I have to go.” He jumps into the car and backs out of the parking lot.That's weird.
When I get into the car, Natalia is giving me a questioning look. “Dmitri said he was going to go ahead and do the grocery shopping since someone forgot to do it this week. That way we don’t have to worry about it next time.”
“He’s actually probably going to see his girlfriend,” Natalia says, rolling her eyes. “I don’t know why, but something just doesn’t sit right with me about her.”
“I don’t know. I kind of like her.” I shrug, pulling out of the parking lot. “She seems nice.”
“Well, maybe you should date her then,” she retorts. I roll my eyes.
“I’m good. You know I don’t date,” I remind her. I don’t see the point in it when I’m training to take over the family business. Most of the girls that try to date me are the type that need all your attention. I can’t do that. My father wants my sole focus to be on learning the reins.
Once we are a few miles away from the safe house, Natalia turns our phones back on and starts reading all of her notifications.
“Ugh, my dad wants me home as soon as possible.” She groans as she leers at her phone.
“Do you just want to get something quick?” I ask, glancing over at her.
“Yeah, that would probably be best since he will likely blow a gasket if I’m not home soon.” She frowns.
“Alright,” I nod, taking the exit to go back to her house. We stop just before we get to her house to grab some breakfast to go. We spend the rest of the drive eating and talking about our plans for spring break next week. After much convincing, we talked our parents into letting us go to the beach for an entire week. The only stipulation was that we brought a security detail with us.
Pulling up to her house, I stop on the front drive. The massive two story home stands before us. It’s still early, but the housekeeper has the curtains drawn back from the tall windows, and the gardener has already cut the grass this morning. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” I tell her and reach over, squeezing her hand. “Call me if you need me.”
“I will,” she assures me. She gives me a smile before getting out of the car, disappearing into the house.
Chapter three
As I walk inside, setting my bag down in the foyer at the bottom of the large staircase that leads to mine and Dmitri’s bedrooms. I’m met by raised voices coming from my father’s office. Raising my eyebrow in curiosity, I slowly make my way down the long hall. Standing outside his office, I lean closer to the door and listen to the heated debate.
Father would be furious if he knew I was listening in on a business meeting, but this one seems important.
“Ivan, I think you are being completely unreasonable. We have the culprit and are planning to take care of him today. There’s no reason we can’t continue our partnership.” A voice comes from the other side of the door. I instantly recognize it as Declan’s dad, Rian. Judging from the tone, he is angry.
“Rian, I understand that you’re upset,” he repeats calmly, but I can tell by the edge in his voice that he is reaching his boiling point as well.. “But, you would do the exact same thing if the roles were reversed.”
“This is bullshit,” Rian grits. I hear heavy footsteps coming towards my position outside the door. Just as I go to walk away, the door opens. I’m caught red-handed.
“Natalia,” my father scolds, and I recoil into myself. “You know better than to hang around my office.” His dark eyes are narrowed and the scowl that rests on his face tells me that I am definitely in trouble.
“I know. I didn’t mean to. I just heard shouting.” I avert my eyes from him and glance at Rian, who is undoubtedly pissed. He’s glaring at me, and the gesture causes me to shiver.
“Since we are no longer in business together,” Rian spits toward me. “You will never see my son again, Natalia.” Rian stands in front of me, his green eyes find mine. I am rooted in place by the malicious look on his face.
His words send a pain shooting through my heart. “No, please don’t do that.”
“He is correct, Natalia. You and Declan can no longer see each other.” My father's cold stare finds mine. I look at him with pleading eyes. His facial expressions don’t change. I know that I’ve lost this battle.
“We are children. We have no part in your feud. Why must we be the ones to suffer?” I argue. There was a quiver to my voice that made me angry as I feigned strength, though the thought of losing Declan nearly stole the air from my lungs.
Rian takes a step closer to me, and Dmitri steps out from behind my father and comes to my side with his gun drawn. I hadn’t even noticed he was standing there.