Page 14 of Fatal Vow

You know I can’t disobey an order.

You could have, you just didn’t.

Don’t be like that, please.

You know as well as I do what

would happen if I did.

Today of all days?

If only she knew how hard I tried to get him to wait until the next day at the very least.

I know… I know…

I think I need to rethink this whole arrangement.

That’s not fair… and you know it.

What’s not fair is not even being able to grieve

my brother, because your father is such an asshole

that he can’t even give us forty-eight hours.

Like yours would?

I just got you back.

But now you’ve put me in an impossible position.

On the day that I said goodbye to my brother.

Don’t contact me again.

Goodbye, Declan.

Fuck. I knew this was going to happen. I just hoped that she would see my side. I throw my phone on the bed and head down to the gym with the overwhelming need to blow off steam.

Chapter nine


Twenty Years Old

“Fuck, Natalia, where did you find this one?” I mumble to myself as I flip through the file of the man she’s currently on a date with. There are several reports of domestic dispute calls from his residence that he once shared with his ex-fiancée. In addition to that, I had Finn dig up information on his ex. She has a mile-long medical history with multiple broken bones, cuts, and bruises. The photos are almost sickening to look at. Yeah, I may torture and murder people, but I would never dream of doing something like this to my soon-to-be wife.

I have been getting rid of all the men that Natalia has been entertaining over the last two years by bribing them with cash. Finn approaches them after the date, offers them a substantial amount of one hundred dollar bills. They usually take the it and run. I don’t care if there are fifty men within the next two years. I’m willing to spend as much money as possible to ensure that Natalia is single when her twenty-third birthday rolls around.

As I flip to the last page of the file, my stomach churns when I find a death certificate. The fiancée ended up taking her own life. With a heavy sigh, I close the file and place it on my desk.

“Finn. I want you to bring this prick to me as soon as Natalia is no longer with him.” The thought of her spending a single second more in his presence fills me with rage, but I can’t exactly storm in and break each of his fingers, one by one, in a room of people. I mean, I could, but that’s not the best look. Finn gives me a quick nod and stands.

“You got it,” he replies before turning and walking out the door.

It’s not that I don’t trust Natalia to hold her own and put this asshole in his place if he ever laid a hand on her. It’s the fact that I don’t trust myself with what I would do if someone even attempted to hurt her. I would level the entire city of Philadelphia.

Two hours later, I’m still in my office going over some papers when my phone rings. “Yeah?”