Page 15 of Fatal Vow

“Down in the basement,” Finn’s voice comes from the other side. “I’ve gotta run, though. Skylar has dinner on, and if I’m late again, your torture will look like child’s play.”

Hanging up, I discard my suit jacket on the desk and head down to the basement. Just as I go to open the door, my father appears behind me.

“Busy evening?” He questions, the smell of whiskey filling my nose.

“Yep, just taking care of some lowlife.” I turn the knob and step onto the top step. “Did you need something?”

“No, carry on. Make it hurt.” He raises his glass of whiskey and then continues his path to his office. The only time I ever see pride, in regards to me, in my father’s eyes is when I’m doing dirty work. I’ve never needed his validation, but the man was still entirely irritating.

Closing the door behind me, I descend into the basement. I open the door to one of the ‘interrogation rooms’ and step inside. The fluorescent lights flicker on and my eyes find Natalia’s date, Tyler, restrained in his chair.

“Hello, Tyler,” my voice echoes off the walls. “How was your date?”

His eyes frantically find mine, pulling on his restraints. “Let me go!”

“There, there. It’ll be over soon,” I promise, giving him a devilish grin. Walking over to the weapons table, I pick up a knife. It resembles a kitchen knife, which is what one of the reports said his ex ‘accidentally’ cut herself with while making dinner. “Now, let’s talk about Julie.”

At the mention of her name, Tyler pales. “Julie is dead.” His eyes water and his voice trembles. The grieving ex act isn’t going to work on me though. His voice can tremble and he can quake all he wants, but I know he isn’t crying for her. He is crying because the reaper standing before him just came for collection.

“That she is, Tyler.” I say, admiring the knife, before looking back at him. “You probably know that you’re the reason she’s dead, right? The constant abuse she endured over the course of your relationship was just too much for her. She didn’t have anyone to advocate for her, or step in when she needed them to,” I say as I step closer and place the blade on his shoulder.

“Why do you care about Julie?” He questions with a grimace as I dig the tip into his skin.

“I don’t. There’s nothing I can do to help her now.” I watch in satisfaction as a trail of blood follows behind the knife while I drag it down his arm. “But, unfortunately for you, I care about Natalia.”

Recognition crosses his face, and he gulps as his eyes flick to the knife.

“Now you’re getting it,” I say with a smirk. “I’m doing the whole population a favor by getting rid of you.”

“No, p-please don’t I-I won’t touch another w-woman again.” He begins to pull at his restraints again, and I shake my head.

“Well you’re certainly right about that one. I’ll make sure of it. Your biggest mistake was that you were withmywoman though.” Walking back over to the table, I switch my knife out for a hammer and a few nails. I walk over to Tyler, who is now squirming in his seat.

“First, I’m going to break every bone that you ever broke of Julie’s.” Without warning I bring the hammer down on his hand and the familiar sound of bones breaking echo off the walls. Tuning out the screams, I take my time in between blows. Once I have finished my task, I pull the nails out of my pocket.

“Wh-what are those for?” he asks nervously, his eyes dart back and forth from them to my face.

“This is just a little something I like to do when my prisoner deservesextrapunishment.” Taking one of them, I place it at the tip of his finger. Driving the nail underneath his fingernail with the hammer, I watch in satisfaction as Tyler screams in agonizing pain. This continues for all ten digits before I tire of his whimpering and slice his neck.

Glancing down at my blood-covered clothing and hands, I shake my head. “This is why Finn does this,” I mumble before wiping my hands off, calling a cleaning crew.

Chapter ten


Twenty-Two Years Old

Standing in the middle of my walk-in closet, I can hear my mother’s voice in my head telling me I need to add a variety of colors to my wardrobe. Personally, I don’t see an issue with all the red, black, white, and a little bit of blue mixed in. I opted for a simple elegant black wide-leg jumpsuit, paired with my favorite black heels. Slipping on the outfit and my heels, I turn to the mirror, admiring my reflection. Running my fingers through my shoulder-length auburn hair, I let out a sigh.

Today marks four years since Dmitri’s death. Instead of spending it with Declan like I have the last three years, I’m getting ready for yet another date. My birthday is coming up, and my father has been really pushing the marriage agenda.

After much groveling, I eventually forgave Declan for his part in our shipments being sabotaged on the day of the funeral. Mainly because my father used me as a pawn in his own revenge, and I hit their cocaine shipment a few times. We kept our promise of monthly meetings at the cabin and only missed two in four years.

Although, it’s doing him no good. Declan keeps interfering and every single man that has shown interest in me since Dmitri died, has disappeared. At first, I was annoyed, but it’s become a constant comfort. It’s like my father isn’t even trying. Most of the guys he has set me up with couldn’t handle the mafia lifestyle.

“Natalia, this is Jared.” My father’s voice snaps me out of my thoughts as he introduces the man beside him. He’s dressed in a pair of black dress pants and a white button-up shirt, with the sleeves rolled to his elbows. His brown hair is slicked back like he just walked out of an eighty’s magazine, and his brown eyes are anything but inviting.

“Nice to meet you, Jared.” I give him a tight smile and tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear.