I opened the door to witness the scene inside. Alfred was on the edge of the bed, his chin resting on his chest as he fiddled with a toy. Marie knelt on the ground, trying to look into his eyes. He looked up to see us. "You're back." She was on her feet, but her eyes didn't stray. Crystal was just fine ignoring her. She entered the room and ran to Alfred.
Marie and I stood together by the door, watching the reunion. To be honest, this was very emotional. Immediately, he started laughing, hugging Crystal, and calling her mama. I don't think I could suddenly demand that he call her “nanny”.
"Let's give them some space." I pulled Marie out and closed the door.
"Why did you bring her here after all she has done to you?" She said under her breath.
Ignoring the question, I walked ahead to my study. Sitting on the plush leather chair at the front of my oak desk, I watched as she ensconced herself in the armchair opposite me. "Will you answer me now?"
"It's purely transactional, and I need you to stop questioning my decisions. Alfred needs someone like Crystal around. Regardless of what had happened, I must think of my son first. You may leave. I want to be alone."
"I'm sorry. I was just worried. What if Crystal takes him away when no one is home?"
"Marie! That's enough from you. Don't think I'm not aware of how you've treated her and the words you've said. Hold your tongue and leave. Now!" Sullenly, she rose and left the study. I huffed a breath and leaned deeper into my chair.
Marie did have a good point, although I didn't think Crystal was capable of what she suggested, yet it wouldn't be wrong to be cautious. I decided to contact a security agency tomorrow. It would be useful to protect Alfred and keep Crystal from acting out.
The next day at work, after I got off a Zoom meeting, someone knocked on my door. "Come in." The door opened and Marie walked in. She was dressed in a stunning pink bespoke suit with a handbag on her arm.
"Brother," she muttered and took her seat as soon as she entered. "I came to say goodbye. I'll be taking a flight to New York. I've spent enough time with you for now." She smiled, a twinkle in her eyes.
"I appreciate your presence here; you've been the best. At least stay one more day before you leave… maybe we could have lunch together."
"I wish I could; however, there will be the next time when I come to see my nephew. I better leave for the time being." We were both on our feet. I left my seat and went to hug her.
"I'll be looking forward to that. Take care, Marie." I broke the hug and flashed her a genuine smile.
"Mee too. Don't escort me out. By the way, from what I've seen, Crystal is not that bad, but I advise you not to trust her too quickly. I know you know what to do, but it’s good to remind you. Sometimes, betrayal is inevitable. Bye." Marie waved as she left my office.
I mulled over her words. Would there be no end to the betrayal? I returned to my seat and entertained the call I'd been wanting to make. I contacted the security agency department, Bachelard and Hook. They are one of the best in the state, getting high praise from other high-profile clients.
I've never had a need for security; however, I'd rather be safe than sorry when it comes to Alfred. The process was fast. After telling the special agent what I wanted, he asked that I come by to check out the men. I cleared my schedule since I had but two hours before I got off work. I made a stop at the agency's headquarters.
I was led to their training room and saw two middle-aged muscular men standing at attention with blank faces. Just by their pose alone, they were imposing and seemed to fill the room with their presence. I was impressed. The special agent told me their stats. They were military veterans who have worked for other high-profile clients that lived a dangerous life.
I didn't expect to have any attack at home or even one targeted at me. I'd rarely been in a situation where I needed armed protection. They were just going to protect my home in my absence. "Very well. I like these men. Finalize the process and send them to my home tomorrow." I had no business staying here any longer.
"Yes, sir. They'll be there on time." The agent gave me an assured smile. I nodded and left the building.
When I got home, looking at a place that once seemed dead and cold was suddenly transformed in front of my eyes. There was light coming from one of the windows with the curtains closed. Walking to the door felt different - I was coming home to a family.Finally,I thought,a family.Except Crystal might not have that same idea in mind.
Chapter 19
WhenIopenedthedoor, Crystal didn't answer even with the creak of the door when I entered. "Crystal?" I called, softly. I walked past the potted plants that led to the parlor. The TV was on a kid's channel. When I reached the couches, I saw Crystal with her hair unbound, lying on the rug with soft plush pillows around her.
Alfred was tucked in her arms, close to her chest. They were both sleeping. I stood there for a moment, taking in the scene. This was a new sight for me. Whenever I came home, it was dark and silent. I was like a ghost walking through my own home. Now, it seemed bright and warm.
I sank to my knees and touched Crystal's cheek. Before, she looked pale and sickly but now with Alfred, there was a healthy glow on her skin. It made me wonder if my fears were unfounded. Alfred on the other hand had his mouth open with strands of Crystal's hair in his mouth. I took it out and he sneezed.
Yet, he didn't wake. Although they looked comfortable, I thought it would be better to get them back to their rooms. Carefully, I picked Alfred up and brought him to my chest. Crystal shifted, but other than that, she kept on sleeping. Gently, I rose to my feet and took Alfred upstairs to his room. After putting him on his bed, I went back to my room and took off my suit. I had only my undershirt and shorts. I left my room and made my way down to the living room to take Crystal to her room.
When I reached the area, I saw she was up and sitting on one of the couches. She saw me coming but kept eyes on the TV. I joined her. She looked at me with annoyance when I sat beside her. "What?" I asked.
"Nothing. No, it's not nothing. I've been bottling this inside for too long. Lorenzo, do you hate me?" Now all her attention was on me.