"That's my son we're talking about. I would never hurt him or go so low. I just want to see him. This is so unfair!" I retorted.

"I've seen enough gold diggers to know one at a glance. And from what I see, I can confidently say that you're one." That was enough. I moved, wanting to lay my hand on her when Jen pulled me back. Marie gave me a mocking smile, riling me up.

"Marie, or whatever you call yourself, that's enough from you. My friend and I have stood here and gotten nothing but insults from you. I am extremely disappointed. Crystal let's go. We are going to get nothing from here."

"Lorenzo should be ashamed and you, too. My son needs me…" I choked on my words, deep emotions threatening to make me cry. I followed Jen obediently back to her car. This whole effort had failed spectacularly. I'm sure Alfred was in there, but I never got the chance to see him. Before I got into the car, I saw Marie turn around and enter the house. I had to leave, lest she call the cops on me. That could lead to a restraining order, which would be unacceptable.

The ride back home was a quiet and somber affair. As soon as I got home, I opened the door. Before I stepped out, I said to Jen, "Thanks for today. We tried our best. Go home and rest. I need some time alone."

She tried to say something then stopped. Then she said, "No problem. Call me if there's anything you need. Promise me." She held my hand, forcing me to answer her.

"I promise." That satisfied her. I left the car and watched her drive off. When I entered the house, the same feeling of sadness and loneliness crept back so fast that I found it hard to breathe. I ran to the restroom. I knelt over the toilet seat and threw up. My stomach hurt and my throat burned. When I was done, I flushed the toilet, got up on my feet, washed my mouth in the sink, and dragged myself off to my bed.

Today felt like a series of blows were constantly pommeling me. I fell on the bed and let the darkness take me. Perhaps it was time I stopped fighting. I would never see or be near my son again. A muted sound pierced the fog in my mind. I ignored it at first, then it got louder, dragging my mind away from the abyss of sleep. My head and body hurt. I felt sick.

The knocking persisted. I checked the time and saw it was some minutes past eight pm. I got on my feet shakily and reached the door only to see Lorenzo standing there with a hand raised, poised for another strike.

"Hi," he said, affecting a casual tone. I felt the urge to slam the door in his face, but I didn't. I needed any lifesaver I could get, and I was curious as to his presence here.

Chapter 18


"Whatdoyouwant?"Her voice was cold and edged with anger.

"I am here to talk about Alfred." Crystal looked nervous. "He's fine. I... have trouble taking care of him alone at home, and I need help. However, getting a nanny I can trust is hard."

"And you trust me?" She was already walking back inside. The door was open, and I followed her in.

I sat on the couch, feeling a bit weird being back in her apartment. I had discovered how foolish it was to think I could take care of Alfred alone, and I could not expect the selfish Marie to take care of him. She had her own life to live. When I got back home, Marie had told me Crystal and her friend had come by. From the look on her face, I took it that the meeting wasn't jovial. My sister had a penchant for being rude to people I had cut off from my life.

"Not really. It's just that Alfred needs someone close to him, and you are the best choice." That was true. Alfred was inconsolable after spending a night without his mom. I could not bear to see him cry constantly and refuse to eat. It was premature to take him away.

Crystal looked ready to leap to her feet. “You mean I can see him and be with him again?" The hope in her voice was almost palpable.

"Yes, but only as a nanny. No one is allowed to know your real connection to him. Is that clear?"

"How. Fine! I accept. When do I start?" She didn't look too pleased, but she swallowed her discontentment. I could only give her this chance and watch how she behaved for the time being.

"As soon as possible. Preferably, I'd appreciate it if you could move in to better take care of him. He can be a handful at night." She gave me a small smile.

"Okay, let me get my stuff so we can leave now." She was heading to her room impatiently. I watched her leave. I had made this choice, and I hoped it was the right one.

I waited for a while. I heard her rummaging through her things. She came out later with her bag and luggage. “I’m ready. Let's go."

I nodded and headed to the door. The journey home was a quiet one. It seemed we had nothing to say to each other, but she wasn't aggressive, either. When I parked in the garage, I took a moment to look at her. She was holding the hem of her skirt tightly. "What is wrong?" I asked, keeping my hands away from her.

"I was here earlier today, and your sister wasn't what I expected. I fear she will make things hard for me."

"You can kill that fear. I've spoken to her, and she will be amicable from now on. You have nothing to worry about, Crystal."

"I hope so." She left the car first and went to the trunk to take her things. I stopped her.

"Go inside. I'll bring your things to you." She complied. When I brought her things, she was standing at the door, not moving. I could understand the conflict she was experiencing. I pushed open the door and gestured for her to enter first.

"Where is he?" she asked, looking around for Alfred.

"He should be in his room with Marie. Let me take you there." She let me lead her up the stairs to his private room. I heard Marie's soft voice as she tried to cheer Alfred up with some songs.