Islowly carried the tray up the stairs. I was so nervous that the espresso cup rattled slightly in its saucer.
I got to the second floor… held my breath… and started walking down the hall to the left.
I justknewat any second that Niccolo was going to jump out of the shadows, point at me, and yell, “AHA!”
The closer I got to the end of the eastern wing, the harder my heart thudded in my chest.
When I finally reached the closed door at the end of the hallway, I rapped on it lightly.
No answer.
I knocked a little harder.
I looked behind me down the hall.
No one was there.
And Caterina said to deliver it to the room, so…
I turned the knob and the door opened.
I stood there in shock as I stared at a truly magnificent bedroom.
It was larger than any other room in the house except for the dining room.
There was a king-sized canopy bed to my left. Gauzy curtains hung down all around it, and the comforter was pulled back over rumpled sheets.
Masterpieces from Italian Renaissance painters hung on the walls.
Thick Arabian rugs covered the hardwood floors.
There were several mahogany wardrobes and a matching desk in the corner.
And a twenty-foot section of the wall had French doors that looked out on a massive balcony. Beyond that was a gorgeous view of the vineyards and orchards.
Mybedroom was nice, butthis…this looked like it belonged to a king.
I stood there staring at the opulence of it all…
And suddenly realized why Dario hadn’t answered my knocking.
I could hear theshhhhhhof a shower from behind a half-closed door to my right.
I swallowed hard.
Just put the tray down on the desk over there and walk out,I told myself.
But another little voice – a tiny devil on my shoulder – whispered in my ear.
You can look!
One tiny peek can’t hurt…
You probably won’t see anything, anyway.