Page 73 of Mafia Kings: Dario

“I’ll bet, after you ran off like that,” she said as she filled a porcelain cup with dark, steaming coffee. “Well, here’s your chance to make it up to himandme.”

“Caterina…” I said in a pleading voice.

She frowned at me crossly as she set the cup down on the tray. “Oh, so you’ll look at my phone andwatch me having sex –THEN you’ll get me in trouble and nearly get me fired! But when I ask you to help me with one little favor –nooooooo.”

I closed my eyes.

I felt awful.

And… to be truthful…

Part of me hoped that Dario would ‘punish’ me again.

“…alright,” I whispered.

“Good!” Cat said gleefully and clapped her hands like a child. “Thank you.”

I sighed heavily as I picked up the tray. “Where am I going?”

“His bedroom.”

I stared at her. “Hisbedroom?!”

“That’s where he wants it.”

I winced. “Caterina – ”

“Don’t you dare back out now, you little pervert!”

I gasped. “Why did you call me that?!”

I thought it was because she knew what might happen if I went to his bedroom…

“Because you like watching people fuck,” she said and snorted with laughter. “Use the internet from now on – it’sfullof porn.”

I groaned inwardly. “Where’s his bedroom?”

“Second floor on the east wing, all the way at the end.”

Now I stared at her in terror. “Oh no…”

“What now?”

“The east wing is theoneplace Niccolo said I was to never go!”

She made a face.“Iwas supposed to go up there, so it’s fine.”

“No, Caterina, really, I can’t – ”

She put her hands on her hips and looked at me sternly. “Really? You steal my phone, run away from the house, watch me fuck in the pantry, nearly get me fired – but going down ahallwayis too much for you?”

I groaned, closed my eyes… and turned around to walk out of the kitchen.

I was going to regret this. I justknewit.

“That’s the spirit!” Cat called after me. “Try not to get me in trouble again on your way up there!”