I’d never seen him smile like that before. It was a real genuine smile. He kissed me softly, slowly. He was unintentionally rebuilding the fire, and I arched against him, making him grin. He twitched inside me and when I lifted my eyebrows, he chuckled, nipping my lower lip before drawing me in for another languorous kiss.
“Hey boss, you in here– Oh, shit!”
I burst out laughing. Mikey had taken two steps into the room. His eyes landed on us and he backpedaled hard, landing on his ass as the door shut, blocking his view again. Leo rolled his eyes, shaking his head.
“Can’t get five fucking minutes to ourselves.”
Lucky for Mikey, we were fully dressed for the most part and everything that wasn’t was covered by Leo’s hips pressed against mine. He pulled back from me, tucking himself away before he helped me to the edge of the table. I was still snickering, my shoulders shaking.
“Pretty sure that was over five minutes, but okay.”
His grin was wolfish, and he wrapped his arms around my waist. His lips coasted down my neck and across my shoulder.
“Aren’t you going to see what he wants?”
He nipped me, lifting his head with a scowl. He seemed irritated with Mikey, but it felt like more than that.
“What’s wrong?”
He sighed heavily, his hand running through his hair. “I don’t want you to leave.”
“So ask me to stay.”
I’d never fuckeda woman without a condom. Didn’t trust them to be honest. The potential for one of them to try and trap me with a pregnancy rose with each success for my family. With Nikki, though, it was an easy yes. I trusted her honesty. Besides, if she got pregnant, she’d be tying herself farther to me and I’d end up winning more than she would. A small part of me warmed at the idea of her carrying my kid, but I let it go. We’d discuss that when I knew she wouldn’t run again.
She looked at me with that mischievous smirk and waited. I surprised her when I pressed my forehead against her shoulder and breathed her in. Hesitantly, she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and leaned her head against mine.
“Come home with me, Nikki. Not because you have to. Not because of a fucking deal. Just be with me.”
She sucked in a breath, and I lifted my gaze to hers. She had told me to ask her to stay, but I didn’t just want tonight. I only had a week of her in my home, but it felt empty without her.
A soft smile spread across her face, and she nodded. “Okay.”
It was like a weight lifted off my shoulders and I could finally relax. I slipped my hand into her hair, capturing her lips. She pressed her hands to my chest, leaning into me as I tasted her. I took my time, forgetting completely that Mikey was waiting until he knocked cautiously. A snarl ripped from me, and Nicole laughed.
“Come in, Mikey!”
I scowled at her, but she just grinned, completely at ease. Mikey opened the door slowly, shamefaced.
“Sorry, I know you’re busy, but something came up and I think you’ll want to handle this yourself, boss.”
I glared at him, but Nicole seemed curious, tipping her head. “What came up?”
Mikey flicked his gaze to me and I dipped my chin once. I wasn’t going to keep her in the dark anymore. Not only did she have her own experience, she was smart and when she wasn’t freaking out, she knew what to do to stay safe. I knew if I treated her like a mafia princess, I’d lose her. I’d rather just assign her more security and keep an eye on her.
Mikey visually relaxed, his shoulders dropping. He was waiting for me to say no and start shit with Nicole. Asshole. I narrowed my eyes, but he ignored me, turning his focus onto her instead.
“Some fucker has been stealing from us for like a week now. We finally caught him. He’s being held out back.”
“Sounds like fun.” She slipped off the table, readjusting her dress. Mikey immediately looked at the ceiling. He was getting smart. I held out my arm, giving her an expectant look, and she slipped her hand into the crook of my elbow with a grin.
We followed Mikey through the lines of tables. A few eyes strayed towards Nikki. She could bring a priest to his knees in that dress, but one hard look from me had them all averting their eyes. I’d need to figure out some way to show the world she was mine or there would be a lot of carnage dealing with the men who were stupid enough to try and take her from me.
As we pushed through the door out to the empty parking lot behind the club, I wrapped my arm around her and leaned close to her, my lips brushing her ear.