“After we’re done with this, I’m taking you home. You created a damn monster, letting me fuck you without protection.”
She flashed me a sultry grin, pressing herself against me. She’d just opened her mouth to say something, but the noises of the thief struggling snagged her attention and she turned to see what was happening. A dark look overtook her face and her body tensed. She stepped out of my arm, facing me completely.
“Let me help.”
I frowned. It was one thing to let her come along, it was another thing entirely to let her take part. At least until I saw what upset her so much. The thief was familiar. He was the same asshole from the party where we met, the one who tried to hit on her little sister. Nikki was vibrating with fury, fire burning in her eyes, but she still waited for me to give her the go ahead. And for that alone, I conceded. She wouldn’t have asked before. She would’ve taken action and fuck the consequences. Now she was more cautious, not wanting to overstep even though she was itching to take action.
“Be my guest.”
Her eyes widened a little before a nasty grin spread across her face. She spun, slipping her hand into her purse. She pulled something out, but I didn’t see what. Handing the purse to Mikey, she stepped in front of the man, who was on his knees, his hands tied behind his back.
“First a pervert, then a thief. You’re a real menace to society, aren’t you?”
His head jerked up, his eyes wide as they landed on Nikki. Someone had duct taped his mouth, so the only reply she got was a muffled shout. The parking lot was surrounded by buildings on all sides, only a small alley giving access to it. There were no cameras, barely any lights, the perfect place to handle business if you were careful. Watching Nikki standing over the man in that dress, taking control, was a fucking turn on. He trembled before her wrath and she stood over him like a queen.
“I’ve been looking for you, you know? My papa is smart, wouldn’t give me your name. I was going to tear your life apart and watch you suffer, but then you got stupid enough to steal from someone important to me.” That comment made me grin, and I had to readjust myself because fucking hell. “I’m usually not one to get my hands dirty. I’ve got cousins for that. But I think tonight I’ll make an exception.”
Without warning, she clocked him hard. He cried out, collapsing to the side, but she gave him no quarter, holding him with one hand while the other slammed into his face. The skin tore, blood pouring onto the concrete. It wasn’t until she released him that I noticed what she had pulled from her purse before she started. She had brass knuckles, because kicking his ass wasn’t hot enough.
I stepped up behind her, my hands on her hips. She had her fun, but now it was my turn. She handed back control easily, stepping back into the shadows. Mikey stood beside her, nodding to me once. He would watch over her while I dealt with the thief.
The man was whimpering, curled into a pathetic little ball on the ground. Nikki had done some damage, but I was nowhere near through with him yet. I was going to show the entire city what happened to people who stole from me. And because he pissed off my girl, I was going to draw it out, make it as painful as I could. If he lived until morning, I wasn’t doing my job right.
There was just something about watching a man beat the hell out of another man. Leo had taken off his suit jacket, handing it to me. He rolled up his sleeves, showcasing those tattoos that made me drool, and then he went to work. Evidently, Leo was thorough in everything he did. He took his time, drawing it out as he hurt the man that scared my little sister. The man stupid enough to steal from Leo Vitale.
Two of the guys held the thief while Leo dealt with him. The others stood watch, making sure no one showed up in the tiny parking lot to fuck with them.
Red hot hunger burned through me watching Leo. It was a warm night, the sweat making his shirt cling to him so you could see every sculpted muscle through the fabric. They bunched and stretched with each solid punch, sending sparks straight to my core. I felt needy, like he hadn’t been buried inside me not that long ago. When he finally stopped, letting the guys handle the rest, I was practically panting.
Leo turned to face me and paused, his eyes narrowed as he regarded me. A slow and dangerous grin passed over his face as he stepped up to me, careful not to get blood on my dress as he ran his lips down my neck.
“Want to get out of here?”
His voice was dark and rough, drawing a shiver from me. I bit my lip, nodding. I didn’t trust my voice not to quake with how badly I wanted him. His low chuckle sent tingles down my spine, and I leaned into him.
“You are too fucking perfect for words. Come on. I need to wash up first,” he growled.
I followed him inside, trying to pull myself together. We separated only long enough to clean the blood off our hands before I was pressed against him again in the hallway. He kissed me slowly, the music from the club pounding around us. I fisted his jacket, pulling him toward the exit. There isn’t much I wouldn’t do to keep that grin on his face, so dark and full of promise. He took my hand, pulling me down another direction to an exit in the back where his car waited.
I couldn’t even open the door before he pushed me up against it, his mouth on mine. I clutched his jacket, dragging him closer, and sucked his bottom lip into my mouth. He groaned, thrusting his hips against mine.
“Wanna make a deal?” I whispered against his lips.
He paused, his hungry gaze on mine. “Name it.”
“You make it all the way home without stopping, I’ll do whatever you want.”
He huffed out a laugh, tipping my head back by my hair. I smirked, trying not to show how affected I was right now.
“And if I can’t?”
“Bragging rights.” I tossed it out there because I honestly didn’t care what I won. I just wanted an excuse to test his resolve. He smirked at me, tugging me up against him. Leaning slightly, he popped the door open and tipped his chin, gesturing for me to get in.
“You’ve got a deal.”