Craig frowned. “Surely, she’ll know I’ll be back?”

Rolling her eyes, Vivian groaned. “Seriously. You’re worse than Aiden. You were with her last night; this morning you’re gone. You want her to jump to the wrong conclusions or…?”

“I’ll tell her I’ll be back.” He grinned, quickly texting her.

“Good thinking,” Vivian said drily.

Chuckling, Aiden patted him on the shoulder. “You still have a lot to learn.”

His cousin was right, he probably had a lot still to learn. What he had discovered over the last few days, however, was that he could be a husband, a father. Most of all, he wanted to be Annie’s husband and, if it were to happen, a father to their children. With Annie by his side, he could do anything.


Her eyes stillclosed, Annie turned on her side, her hand reaching for Craig. But he wasn’t there. Not quite awake yet, she sat up, pulling the sheet over herself. It was a bit disconcerting waking up alone, stark naked. Blinking, she looked around her room.

Her red dress was neatly folded over the chair, the red shoes placed on the floor next to it, but there was no sign of Craig’s clothes. If not for the faint traces of his scent, she’d be worried she might have dreamt last night.

Her phone bleeped and she quickly grabbed it. It was a message from Craig.

I love you. Errand to run.

Sighing, she got up, pulled on a sweater and jeans and opened the windows. Inhaling the fresh air, she hugged herself. She was happy. Really happy. What a giddy feeling.

“Annie?” Vivian called out softly as she opened the door, tray in hand.

Annie sniffed in the air. “Is that coffee? Thank you, but you’re the soon-to-be bride. I need to be pampering you, not the other way around.”

Grinning, Vivian put the tray on a small table before she sat on the bed next to Annie. “Get into bed, I want to spoil you for a change. You’re always spoiling me. I’ve also made scones. Not yours, I’m afraid, but from what I’ve heard, you need some nourishment this morning.”

Annie climbed on to her bed. “You’ve seen Craig?”

“Indeed, I have.”

“Where is he?”

“Hasn’t he texted you?”

“He did, but I don’t understand where he’s off to at this hour. Last night…” Sighing, Annie hugged herself. “He loves me, Viv.”

Vivian leaned forward, hugging her. “Of course, he does. It’s been so obvious the two of you are crazy about each other.” She handed her a mug and a plate of scones. “Eat, drink, and tell me all about it. Who said what? Who said it first? Come on, I want to know everything.”

Chapter Nineteen

Vivian’s wedding dayhad broken with the smell of spring in the air and from there on it had been a glorious day. Craig’s parents had arrived the day before and his mom had accompanied all of them to the Graff on Friday afternoon to check whether everything was ready for the big day.

Annie took a breath and stared at herself in the mirror. Her big sister was getting married. She was so happy for her.

The bride was dressed and was looking absolutely gorgeous. Riley was with her at the moment, making sure Vivian had everything she needed and taking more pictures. It had been a chaotic morning getting everyone ready. Riley had called on Marlene and Sienna Murphy to help with the makeup and hair, and they’d spent the morning together taking turns to laugh and cry.

Annie closed her eyes, blinking away a few tears. The lingering sadness, she knew, would pass. Both she and Vivian would’ve given anything to have their parents here today, but they’d found a new family in Marietta with Janice and her godchildren. They had a lot to be grateful for.

Inhaling, Annie pressed her hand to her tummy where the butterflies hadn’t stopped moving since last Saturday night. She still didn’t know why Craig had left her alone in bed on Sunday morning; he kept telling her she had to wait, it was a surprise.

Because of the crazy week, she and Craig rarely had time to talk, let alone discuss their future together. Although, he’d said he never wanted to be without her, she knew not to take it literally. His life and work were in Portland. They’d probably need to talk about how everything would work, but she couldn’t really be bothered.

She and Craig were together. Marriage had never been on the table, she’d made her peace with that. The fact that she’d changed her mind and would marry Craig in a heartbeat didn’t mean he’d also suddenly feel the same way. She understood why and she’d accepted it. As long as she could see him from time to time, she’d be happy.

She had her B and B. She even had a growing following on Instagram. It had been a process, but she now enjoyed sharing recipes and glimpses of her house with strangers online.