There was a knock on her door. “Annie?” Aiden called.
It was Aiden and he sounded frantic. Annie hurried to the door and opened it.
“They don’t want me to see Vivian!” Aiden just about wailed. “I want to give her this, but for some or other insane reason, I can’t see her.”
Annie took the small box from him. “I’ll make sure she gets it. You have to get to the church, we’ll see you in”—she looked at her watch—“twenty minutes.”
Craig appeared at the top of the stairs. “Aiden, where the…” he began, but then his eyes fell on Annie. Grinning, he rushed toward her. “Look at you…” Pulling her closer, his eyes skimmed over her before he kissed her.
“Come on, lover boy.” Aiden chuckled. “We both will have to cool our heels. Get my bride to me as soon as possible, please?”
With a last quick kiss and a devastating smile, Craig left with Aiden. Leaning against the wall, Annie put a hand to her tummy where the butterflies were going crazy.
Goodness, those steamy romances she’d been reading didn’t come close to the real thing.
The door to Vivian’s bedroom flew open. Riley came out. “That the present from Aiden?”
“Yes, he’s very frustrated.” Annie grinned.
“So am I,” Vivian cried. “What a ridiculous idea. I want to see him. I want to make sure he hasn’t changed his mind. Maybe he’s changed his mind. I won’t blame him. I mean this is crazy and—”
Riley grabbed her hands. “He hasn’t changed his mind. My brother is hopelessly in love with you. Come on, breathe. Just breathe.”
Annie handed Vivian the small package Aiden had left. “I have a present for you. From your bridegroom.”
Vivian stared at the box. “He can’t give me more things. He’s done so much already.”
Riley led Vivian back into the room. “Of course, he can. Come on, sit down. You haven’t even seen what it is.” She pushed Vivian down in front of her mirror. “Open it up.”
Vivian opened the small box and inhaled deeply. Her eyes filled with tears. “It’s beautiful,” she got out as a lone tear ran down her face.
“No crying, for heaven’s sake,” Riley scolded, although her own eyes were quite bright with tears. “Annie, tissue, please. Marlene and Sienna have left already. Sapphire and diamond earrings to match your wedding band—how beautiful and thoughtful. Didn’t know my brother had it in him. You bring out the best in him, Vivian, I’m so glad he met you.”
“So am I,” sniffled Vivian, blinking furiously.
Annie handed Vivian a tissue. “Just dab below your eyes and inhale deeply. If you cry, I’ll cry and we’ll ruin everything Marlene and Sienna worked so hard to create. And you look so beautiful.”
“The satin dress in classic lines is so you,” Riley agreed. “Come on, people, we have a wedding to go to!”
But by the time they finally got into the car, all three of them were still blinking away tears.
Craig had bidedhis time, but he wasn’t waiting any longer. With a nod to the band, he made his way to where Annie was chatting to his parents and aunt. The speeches had been made, the cake cut. Everybody had had dinner.
The happy couple had given him his blessing to make his move. Initially, he’d thought to do it only after the wedding, but Vivian had insisted he do it at the end of the evening when everyone was still there.
The first notes of the song filled the hall of the Graff Hotel. The lead singer, a cowboy on one of the ranches around Marietta bent his head and crooned into the microphone.
You can dance every dance with the guy
He held out his hand to Annie. “Will you dance with me, Annie?”
Her brilliant smile lit up her face as she moved toward him. He swung her out before pulling her close to his heart.
So, darlin’, save the last dance for me
“Will you do that?” he asked, looking down into her brown eyes.