“I’m here, if you want to talk, okay?”
He shook his head. “Thanks, but we have so little time together, I’m not wasting it moaning about my life.”
“We’re also friends, I hope. What about your parents? Don’t you rather want to spend time with them?”
“I’ll probably see them tomorrow. But tomorrow night, you and I have a date.”
She pressed his hand. “You should talk to them, tell them how you feel, how you’ve been feeling. I know things are strained between you. Why they did what they did will probably always baffle you, but they’re your parents and life is very short. I’d do anything to have another moment with mine.”
Her words kept him thinking all the way back to Aunt Janice’s house.
Chapter Thirteen
The next morning,Annie burned the croissants. Fed up, she stared at the nearly blackened blobs on the tray. Seriously. The reason? Another night of rolling around, aching for Craig. He’d lit a fire in her last night, one that not even a cold shower could extinguish. Whatever was she to do?
He could book a room at the hotel, he’d said. And that was the thought that had kept the beetles going round and round in her brain all night long.
There were ten days left before the wedding. Ten days. Would sleeping once with Craig be enough to quench this overwhelming thirst to be with him? Maybe she should throw caution to the wind and just go have sex with him in the hotel room—her whole being was spurring her on to do that. Carol Bingley would have a field day.
Just thinking about Craig woke up the butterflies. Groaning, she looked down at her nipples. And look at those two—beading again.
Muttering, she put another batch of croissants in the oven. This time she was going to stand right here and watch them.
“Talking to yourself again, Annie? Beetles busy?” Vivian chuckled from behind. She sniffed in the air. “Don’t tell me you’ve burnt something again?”
“The croissants.”
“Anything to do with the reason why you were so quiet last night? Riley told me Craig’s parents will be arriving today. Apparently not something he’d mentioned to you?”
“He doesn’t share his feelings easily.” Annie shrugged. “It’s okay, there’s no reason for him to tell me anything about himself.”
“Except for the fact that he can’t seem to keep his hands to himself around you.”
Annie bent to peer into the oven. “It’s a temporary thing.”
“Trying to convince me or yourself?”
“Oh, Viv, this isn’t going anywhere. You know why I don’t want to marry…”
“Actually, I don’t. Ted was an idiot and didn’t deserve you. You can’t decide not to ever marry because one guy broke off your engagement weeks before the wedding. Besides, I don’t remember you being very excited about marrying him anyway.”
“Okay, I’ve come to realize I never really loved him, not like…” She swallowed the next words just in time. Like she loved Craig. Where did that come from? It wasn’t true. The only thing between her and Craig was lust. Pure and simple. “What I mean is, he was more like a brother to me. There was no spark.”
“Well, there are definitely sparks, vibes, whatever you want to call it, between you and Craig. Those the kind of sparks you’re talking about?”
“It doesn’t matter. Even if, at some point, I will consider getting married again, it won’t be to Craig. He’s very adamant about not wanting to marry.”
“You’ll remember neither Aiden nor I wanted to get married, but then he came to Marietta and… well, we’re getting married in ten days. Does Craig have a reason?”
Annie took the croissants out of the oven. “I’ve asked him. He said it probably had to do with the fact his parents left him with Aiden and Riley’s parents when he was ten. Can you imagine?”
Vivian took a croissant from the tray. “The right woman may just change his mind. I have to go. But, Annie?”
“I think you’re halfway in love with him already. Remember Mom’s words? The ones you quoted to me not so long ago? You need to get out of your mind and into your heart. You’ve been so busy deciding not to marry again, you’re missing what’s in your heart. See you tonight!” Vivian left with a wave.
Irritated, Annie stared after her sister. Of course, she wasn’t falling in love with Craig. They were having some fun, that was it.