Page 93 of Sliding into Home

As they rounded the corner. Jeff scanned the parking area for Kia and Max. Where were they? He spotted Sim’s gigantic frame leaning against the fence with a woman. His woman. Kia’s hand rested on Brandon’s forearm. And he saw red.

“Smitty.” Gonzo’s warning tone did nothing to slow him down.

He stormed up to the pair. “What the fuck?” he snarled.

Kia’s head snapped in his direction. “Are you seriously pulling some jealous guy bullshit right now?”

“I’m asking why I come out and find you out here with him?”

Kia shook her head. “I’m not even going to dignify that with a response.”

“Fine, Sims, you care to explain?”

“I think you need to take a breath, man, and chill before you fuck things up more than you already are,” Brandon said.

Little hands pushed against his stomach. “Don’t talk to my mom like that,” Max yelled.

“Shit.” Max. Jeff closed his eyes as the enormity of what he’d just done sank in. He took a deep breath, then looked at his son. “I love that you want to protect your mom, buddy, but I promise I’m not going to hurt her. I just want to talk to her. Go with Gonzo for a minute,” Jeff told his son.

“Let’s give your mom and dad a second to talk.” Gonzo leaned down. “You want to go hang out with the guys over there?” He pointed to Ryan and Pete who stood just off to the side of their group.

Max glared at Jeff. Somehow being stared down by a five-year-old was way more intimidating than facing the fiercest looking grownup. It crushed him to see his son look at him that way.

“It’s okay, baby,” Kia said. “Your dad’s not mad anymore. And even if he was, we both know I could kick his ass, right?” She tapped her temple several times. “I’ve got all that good learning in here.” She winked to solidify their little joke.

Max looked at Jeff, then back at her, and nodded. “Right, cuz you stayed at a Holiday Inn Express once.”

Kia grinned when he got it. She stuck out her hand for Max to high-five. “Exactly.”

“What?” Gonzo blinked quizzically at them.

“You know the commercial,” she replied.

Gonzo shook his head. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. Come on, Max, you’re gonna have to explain that to me.”

“You can go too, Sims,” Jeff glared at his teammate. Why the hell was the guy still standing here?

Not listening to him, Brandon looked at Kia instead of his teammate. “You good?”

“Yeah, thanks.” She squeezed Brandon’s arm. “No more diving, okay?”

“No promises.” He smiled at Kia then gave Jeff a firm, don’t fuck with her glare before he walked off.

Okay, he deserved that. And maybe a little piece of him respected Brandon a little more because he was willing to go toe-to-toe with him to defend Kia if needed.

“Sorry, that was out of line,” he muttered.

“You think?” Kia leaned against the fence and crossed her arms over her chest. “You want to tell me what the hell that was about?”

“Fuck, I don’t know. I heard Johnny yacking in the change room about how Sim’s has a hard-on for you.” He hated feeling insecure in their relationship.

“Johnny, as in Knight? The guy you said is a total douche?”

“Yeah.” He dragged his hand through his hair, pushing his still damp hair off his forehead.

“And why would you listen to anything he said?”

“I don’t know. No one wants to hear some guy has a hard-on for his girlfriend.”